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The Best Newspaper.

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I have never read a newspaper.


Oh I`ve flicked through the occasional borrowed copy of the sun in my dinner hours when I worked but thats it.


I used to get quite a lot of abuse from my co workers, they said that any bloke who didnt have a regular newspaper and didnt buy a copy each day had something "wrong" with him...


So, years later its finally sunk in and I`m going to start buying one and having it delivered.


Trouble is, which one...?


I hear a lot about the Daily Mail on this forum and on Facebook and I get the impression that it isnt much liked... why is that?


Anyway, whats your paper, which one should I read and which one has lots of pretty pictures for me to look at...? Which is the paper that should be most avoided...?

Which paper makes the best bog roll in emergencies...?

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Most UK newspapers consist of little more than celebrity tittle-tattle, sport, sleaze and columns by opinionated nobodies.


they said that any bloke who didnt have a regular newspaper and didnt buy a copy each day had something "wrong" with him...


Or, alternative, has aspirations higher than a brainwashed sheep.

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I like the express and the mail because the sports writing in the mail is good and the express report the things i want to know about i imagine. it depends what your political stance is with a lot of the newspapers also.


How is Diana these days? :D

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