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Does anyone know who owns the building which was the old KFC in Broomhill

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It's nothing like the bar / pub / club scene at all though is it? So they're not really comparable at all.


Yes they are. Particuarly the more premium style places serving products which are a level above merely nescafe in a fancy cup.


Not everyone in this world can/does/or wants to drink alcohol. A pub may well serve soft drinks (...for overinflated prices) but for those non drinkers some pubs can be rowdy, unpleasent and not the sort of place they wish to socialise.


Cafe culture is nothing new. On the continent and in many more eastern other countries coffee shops and cafes ARE the social gathering points more than bars and pubs.


They are used more and more as a quieter and more pleasant place to meet people, rest, study or even work.


That trend is ever increasing and a little walking around with your eyes open will see how many of these places are opening up and staying open late into the evening to cater for this increasing crowd.


Sometimes life is not all about what people see on a Saturday night on west street. There are other things going on.

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Guest makapaka
Yes they are. Particuarly the more premium style places serving products which are a level above merely nescafe in a fancy cup.


Not everyone in this world can/does/or wants to drink alcohol. A pub may well serve soft drinks (...for overinflated prices) but for those non drinkers some pubs can be rowdy, unpleasent and not the sort of place they wish to socialise.


Cafe culture is nothing new. On the continent and in many more eastern other countries coffee shops and cafes ARE the social gathering points more than bars and pubs.


They are used more and more as a quieter and more pleasant place to meet people, rest, study or even work.


That trend is ever increasing and a little walking around with your eyes open will see how many of these places are opening up and staying open late into the evening to cater for this increasing crowd.


Sometimes life is not all about what people see on a Saturday night on west street. There are other things going on.


Have you read any of the previous posts or are you just quoting my last post out of context on purpose?

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It's nothing like the bar / pub / club scene at all though is it? So they're not really comparable at all.


Except it's exactly like it, when it's a convenient point of view, in that the point is that it's about meeting up with friends. You should support you local coffee shop, otherwise one day it might be gone. Who cares if you don't want a skinny latte macha cappuccino doche, you should go in and buy one anyway because the coffee isn't important, it's about the ambience, right.

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Guest makapaka
Except it's exactly like it, when it's a convenient point of view, in that the point is that it's about meeting up with friends. You should support you local coffee shop, otherwise one day it might be gone. Who cares if you don't want a skinny latte macha cappuccino doche, you should go in and buy one anyway because the coffee isn't important, it's about the ambience, right.


Nah - coffee shops aren't pubs and never will be.


Where did you meet your best mate / partner. Where did you first hear that band. Where were we when we laughed at x - it will never be in cafe moccachoca or wherever.....

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Guest makapaka
That might be how you feel, you don't get to decide how everyone else feels though.


Nope. I don't recall saying otherwise either - I think you were the one telling me how I should feel actually.

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Guest makapaka
Prey tell then.


What exactly is so vastly different about the pub/bar scene that it simply cannot be compared to the world of coffee shops and cafe culture?


You know already - half of your post #51 was highlighting the differences between the two.

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Oh come on. If you are going to start a debate have the balls to back up your submissions.


Lets just remind ourselves shall we.....


Nah - coffee shops aren't pubs and never will be.


Why? The are both businesses who make profits out of selling food and drink to members of the public. They are both used by members of the public for socialising, resting and to obtain refreshment.


It's nothing like the bar / pub / club scene at all though is it? So they're not really comparable at all.


Yes clearly they are. They are providing a simlilar business model to serve a very similar purpose.


They are both providers of food and drink. They are both used as a place to socialise, meet people, gather with friends, relax, entertain and pass time.


If you stopped your narrow thinking and did a bit of reading you will know that the history of coffee shops being used as a social gathering place goes back decades. People have already tried to tell you that in Middle Eastern countries they are still used like that. The more "hipster" syle coffee stores are pushing that element even more. That will not be a bad thing since most of us Brits have got into a default mode that a good time with friends on a Friday and Saturday night MUST involve drinking alcohol. The fact that using a coffee shop as a place go and socialise on an evening is alien to some of our population doesn't mean that it applies to ALL of society.


So, I will ask a final time - what exactly to YOU think makes the two scenes non-comparable?


PS: I will get out the way now that if your only response is alcohol then your argument is absolutely weak.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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If you stopped your narrow thinking and did a bit of reading you will know that the history of coffee shops being used as a social gathering place goes back decades.

Right back to the 1650s in fact, in London, and later the beginnings of the Stock Exchange.

We've always been able to pop into cafes for a cuppa but the likes of Costa are a clever twist to marketing beverages, although there's only so much caffeine that one can take (unless it's decaff).

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