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Does anyone know who owns the building which was the old KFC in Broomhill

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Guest makapaka
Oh come on. If you are going to start a debate have the balls to back up your submissions.


Lets just remind ourselves shall we.....




Why? The are both businesses who make profits out of selling food and drink to members of the public. They are both used by members of the public for socialising, resting and to obtain refreshment.




Yes clearly they are. They are providing a simlilar business model to serve a very similar purpose.


They are both providers of food and drink. They are both used as a place to socialise, meet people, gather with friends, relax, entertain and pass time.


If you stopped your narrow thinking and did a bit of reading you will know that the history of coffee shops being used as a social gathering place goes back decades. People have already tried to tell you that in Middle Eastern countries they are still used like that. The more "hipster" syle coffee stores are pushing that element even more. That will not be a bad thing since most of us Brits have got into a default mode that a good time with friends on a Friday and Saturday night MUST involve drinking alcohol. The fact that using a coffee shop as a place go and socialise on an evening is alien to some of our population doesn't mean that it applies to ALL of society.


So, I will ask a final time - what exactly to YOU think makes the two scenes non-comparable?


PS: I will get out the way now that if your only response is alcohol then your argument is absolutely weak.


What argument - you picked up on a response I made to another poster.


I have no interest in starting a comparison of pubs and cafes - not least cos it's boring. I gave my view on coffee shops earlier in the thread.


If you want a little victory then of course they are similar in that they sell drinks to people. They are still very different though for the reasons I mentioned above.


Cyclone was the poster I replied to - who originally brought pubs into the equation I believe - ask them for their view if you're that interested.

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Nope. I don't recall saying otherwise either - I think you were the one telling me how I should feel actually.


I haven't told you how to feel at all.


You however have said


Where did you meet your best mate / partner. Where did you first hear that band. Where were we when we laughed at x - it will never be in cafe moccachoca or wherever.....


you also told me I was wrong about this

Meeting up for coffee? I suppose it's the non alcoholic version of meeting up for a beer


It's nothing like the bar / pub / club scene at all though is it? So they're not really comparable at all.


You seem to confuse your opinion with reality and accidentally keep stating the former as if it were the latter.

The fact is that I DID compare them, so clearly they are comparable. And meeting up for coffee is entirely analogous with meeting up for beer.

And yes, people go for dates over coffee, my mate met his girlfriend of 18 months over coffee, she doesn't drink so meeting up in a pub wouldn't be the most likely experience for her... :rolleyes:

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Guest makapaka
I haven't told you how to feel at all.


You however have said




you also told me I was wrong about this





You seem to confuse your opinion with reality and accidentally keep stating the former as if it were the latter.

The fact is that I DID compare them, so clearly they are comparable. And meeting up for coffee is entirely analogous with meeting up for beer.

And yes, people go for dates over coffee, my mate met his girlfriend of 18 months over coffee, she doesn't drink so meeting up in a pub wouldn't be the most likely experience for her... :rolleyes:


No - you put on a sarcastic reply to my earlier post - based on my comments on another thread about three tuns.


I replied saying that this wasn't a comparable example and both you and EccoNoob jumped on it trying to engage me in a comparison between pubs and coffee shops.


They aren't the same - you know they're not - and that's it.


Saying because you compared them makes them comparable is also wrong - you know that also.

Edited by makapaka
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Nobody claimed that they were the same, they are however similar, analogous and comparable. Which you claimed they weren't.


---------- Post added 26-08-2017 at 23:03 ----------


I find the whole coffee thing massively cringey. People talking about getting a hot drink like it's a major event.


Just to remind you, I replied to this, to say that it was the non alcoholic equivalent of meeting up for a beer. Which people make a big fuss about. Even going so far as to tell other people that they really should go into a pub and buy beer they don't like, to avoid the pub closing!


So for you getting a coffee isn't a big deal, for other people getting beer isn't a big deal. You're not representative of everyone in the world. Some people like to arrange a meeting for a good coffee with friends, although I suspect that nobody really goes on a cafe crawl.

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Guest makapaka
Nobody claimed that they were the same, they are however similar, analogous and comparable. Which you claimed they weren't.


---------- Post added 26-08-2017 at 23:03 ----------



Just to remind you, I replied to this, to say that it was the non alcoholic equivalent of meeting up for a beer. Which people make a big fuss about. Even going so far as to tell other people that they really should go into a pub and buy beer they don't like, to avoid the pub closing!


So for you getting a coffee isn't a big deal, for other people getting beer isn't a big deal. You're not representative of everyone in the world. Some people like to arrange a meeting for a good coffee with friends, although I suspect that nobody really goes on a cafe crawl.


Where have I suggested I'm representative of the world?


I gave an opinion- you don't have to agree with it - but don't make up stuff to support your argument.

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