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What's the most insignificant yet annoying thing your OH does?

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She moves everything, every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every item finds a new temporary accommodation in the last place I'll look for it.

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He agrees with me.





Do you know how hard it is to pick a fight with somebody that smiles, agrees and then rubs your feet til you calm down?



Will you stop it with the "feet thing"?:rant:

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The way my OH makes his pack up in a morning and leaves crumbs everywhere.

The way he comes home and gets undressed and leaves mucky clothes on the bedroom floor.

The way he has a shower and leaves the wet towel on the floor.

The way he uses my toothbrush because he can't be bothered to get his out of his bag (he works away a lot).

The way he sits and watches me while I clean up and never offers to help.

The way he never cleans the kitty litter, if he see it has been used for a number 2, he pretends he hasn't seen it so I have to clean it!

The way he never opens the curtains and or makes the bed.


But on the other hand I love the fact he makes me breakfast in bed.

I love that he accepts who I am and my crazy tendencies.

I love that when I have sore feet he'll give them a rub.

I love that on weekends he will put washing in the washer and hang it up to dry.

I love that he loves me enough to do such nice things for me.

Like working ridiculous hours to earn enough money so we can continue to have our luxeries.

Like writing a birthday card for me from the pets.

Like letting me lay in on a weekend when he knows I'm tired.

And most of all, I love the fact he loves me.


You get good and bad in all people.


But what you really need to ask is


'Would you miss all the annoying things your OH does?'


I know I would! He wouldn't be him if he didn't do those annoying things! Lol!

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I must be the perfect man then becouse I do not do any of those things you girls do not like.


And the only annoying thing my wife does is living with me. She would be the perfect wife if she lived somewhere else.

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Oooh another annoying one - watching me tidy up, then five minutes later be filled up with his clothes/shoes/towels/dirty boxers. I wouldn't mind but he just sat and watched me clean it up!

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I’m not sure there is just one because different things annoy more on different occasions. Pick from the following list.


Insists on warming pork pies even though hot pork pie gives him terrible indigestion.

Moans a lot about having indigestion.

Buys the same things that we don’t need every time he passes a supermarket.

Rings me constantly on my mobile to ask where his things are even though I never touch them.

Uses the last piece of paper in the loo without getting a replacement.

Puts cut glass in the dishwasher.

Insists on wearing cotton shirts.

Always splashes something on his shirt and trousers at a restaurant

Always manages to find the horrible clothes that I hate him wearing no matter where I hide them.

Puts the wrong tops back on jars of pickles and marmalade.

Tightens screw tops so that I can’t undo them.

Fartz when he’s drunk

Snores when he’s drunk

Fatz when he isn’t drunk.

Snores when he isn’t drunk.

Finds peanuts down the back of the sofa and eats them.


Others too offensive to mention..particularly toe nails.:gag:

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When he takes his socks off, instead of bending down to pull them he shuffles his feet along the carpet until they slide off leaving a nice black fluff blob and then just leaves the socks exactly where they are! How lazy?

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