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Pendants And Pearl Necklaces.

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Do you wear a pendant or a necklace? Maybe youre posh and have pearls, or maybe youre a 70s throwback and have a huge medallion nestling in the hairs of your chest thats visible to all because you have your shirt unbuttoned all the way down to your beer belly...



Me? I have an 22 inch gold chain with a skull and cross bones on it, it was a prezzy from my OH about six years ago and I wear that pretty much all the time, unless I`m in one of my strange moods and decide to wear a crucifix for a few months.


I`m not in the least bit religious but I bought it in a monastary we were visiting because it was a shiny crucifix and I like shiny things and one of the Monks, a 300 year old mummy of a man blessed it for me so being more than a little bit primitive and superstitious I cherish it.


To the utter pits of HELL with me though! I want to know about YOU!!!!!


Finally, does the clasp thing on the chain drive you mental? You put it to the back of your neck and in a few hours its worked its way to the front and then around the other side and takes the pendant thingy with it...?




Oh yeah.


Ive been at the coffee again

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I wear a little gold pendant that my dad had made for me when I was small and he was working in Saudi Arabia. There used to be two of them, but my sister lost hers when she was about 12 and was playing out in the snow. After 20 years the 18ct chain that the pendant was on was starting to get a bit worn and sad looking, so when one of my family gave me some money in celebration of my last tumour giving up the ghost I replaced the chain with a really lovely 18ct spiga chain, so now both the chain and pendant are sentimentally really important to me.


The clasp would get on my nerves if I didn't play with it constantly. What does get on my nerves is that I've got long curly hair and untangling hair from the chain when it gets all caught up is really a pain in the bum. It's always the hairs right at the back which make my eyes water when they're pulled out too.

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I usually wear a pendant, I have a silver and amber one on now that I've had on since about thursday. I don't have a problem with anything catching on the clasp with this one, but I have had chains that have caused problems in the past.


I feel naked without something round my neck.




*wonders how many women saying naked on one thread will push jabbers over the edge*

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Do you wear a pendant or a necklace? Maybe youre posh and have pearls, or maybe youre a 70s throwback and have a huge medallion nestling in the hairs of your chest thats visible to all because you have your shirt unbuttoned all the way down to your beer belly...


Are you talking about a man or woman here?


oooooo I wear a pearl necklace! :heyhey::heyhey::wink:







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