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Cutbacks - Can we afford the Pope's visit?


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Whilst we are going to suffer severe cutbacks which are going to put many people out of work, why are we paying £15 million towards the Pope's visit and is he bringing the whole Italian nation with him?


Cutbacks may be necessary but they need doing with a modicum of common sense - which cuts will damage the economy most, put most people out of work or destroy important services and which cuts will go largely unnoticed by the population at large.


Wining, dining, and generally cossetting, important (to some) visitors always seems to incur costs out of all proportion to the visit. This applies also to our own top dogs, especially Ministers, MP's, Judges & and Lords etc.


Don't think the expenses fiasco has all been sorted - just carefully re-arranged. They are all well paid for the jobs they do and can more easily afford to pay for their own meals, drinks and upkeep than the millions of people struggling on low incomes.

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I think for the country to say that we cannot afford for the Pope to come would be a big blow for morale here, and our reputation in the world...


We probably can't afford it.....but it's what a lot of people will want and it doesn't happen every year!

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I think for the country to say that we cannot afford for the Pope to come would be a big blow for morale here, and our reputation in the world...


We probably can't afford it.....but it's what a lot of people will want and it doesn't happen every year!


I doubt that many folk could care less whether the Pope visits or not.

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I think for the country to say that we cannot afford for the Pope to come would be a big blow for morale here, and our reputation in the world...


We probably can't afford it.....but it's what a lot of people will want and it doesn't happen every year!

The Italians have a reputation for charging through the roof for everything and this is probably no exception.When Jesus did a gig at the feeding of the five thousand with no motorcade or P A system,etc,it would be interesting to see the bill for that day.I think he would have certainly shunned expensive organized religious events like this one!never his style.
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I doubt that many folk could care less whether the Pope visits or not.

Is that pedophile supporting Nazi paying us a visit then?


Can't he pay for it himself? It's not like the Vatican is short of cash is it?


After all, as the lying hypocrite would probably tell you himself, it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, yadda yadda.

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