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I challenged you on the Catholic church and it's hate agenda..not my prob

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Does anyone who isn't party to the politics involved between all the posters have the faintest idea what it is about?

Simple really..Catholics like little boys,Muslims like experimenting with chemistry sets,Protestants dont give a toss and Jews just get continually harassed...was Frank Spencer Jewish ?

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Simple really..Catholics like little boys,Muslims like experimenting with chemistry sets,Christians dont give a toss and Jews just get continually harassed...was Frank Spencer Jewish ?


Aren't catholics christians then?

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Simple really..Catholics like little boys,Muslims like experimenting with chemistry sets,Christians dont give a toss and Jews just get continually harassed...was Frank Spencer Jewish ?


I don't know but I'm fairly sure Catholics are Christians...

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Simple really..Catholics like little boys,


What's interesting here is that it seems the trendy wendy's have managed to rationalise by some obscure method that man on boy abuse is not gay in order to keep up their hate agenda for catholics.


I was intrigued the other day on a thread that the trendy's were denying these types of actions as somehow not being gay and it seems there's a hidden agenda here that needs to have a little light shed on it.

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There is a difference between 'the Catholic Church' aka the pope and cronies and people who follow the Catholic faith.


...............and what difference is that :suspect:


I think what Kthebean says is true, criticism of "The Church" is not necessarily a slight against individual believers, although of course they may take offence but that is inevitable if you are going to criticise their faith.

I would however point out that the same distinction is not normally drawn on the debates around Islam. Usually any criticism of Islamic practice or doctrine is often interpreted as a direct attack on Muslims, by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. This does give rise in some way to the perception that one can criticise "The Church" and it be perfectly acceptable, yet criticise Islam and one is "Islamophobic", yet we do not often see the word "Catholicophobic" used in the same context.

I cannot explain how or why this has come about, but has been my observation.

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