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Catholic Church says Woman should have died with foetus

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Once again Plekhanov has managed to dig some dirt on the catholic church, in reality turned out good so no damage was done. A little over reaction on the bishops behalf. However the catholic religion saves thousands of peoples lives every year. Through their charity work etc etc. So lets remember folks the catholic church does actually do great things in the majority of cases. I am sure if you look deep and hard enough on any religion you will find your fair share of dirt. Plekhanov go pick on the Muslims ........i dare YOU!


You don't come here often then? :hihi:

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Once again Plekhanov has managed to dig some dirt on the catholic church, in reality turned out good so no damage was done.


No no harm at all - it's not as if anyone's life was put in danger whilst the decision was made, and I'm sure there will be no emotional hurt to the poor nun who has copped the flack, nor to the mother who won't feel guilty, and not for future patients at the hospital who may be left to die.


To be fair by the standards of what can happen when an archaic institution meets the modern world that isn't too bad an outcome, but it's a long way from 'good'.


Your mention of good works done in the churches name is irrelevant. If your doctor let your partner die due to their negligence would you be at all comforted by the fact that he helped some other patients?

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Actually this raises a massive concern about Catholics being in a position of control over medical decisions.
Or indeed any religious types. If their religion would interfere with the medicine then they aren't a fit or proper practioner
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the voice of sense and reason.

Dont lay it all on the Catholics, you lot give them a hard time too.


There is not a single statement in the Holy Book Al Qur'an or in the sayings (ahadith/sunnah) of the final Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which allows abortion!

On the contrary, there are verses in the Holy Book Al Qur'an which are clearly against the killing of any unborn child or child, male or female, by any means, for any reason and at any stage of the pregnancy (Chapter 6, verse 151, Chapter 17, verse 31,Chapter 5, verse 31, Chapter 60,verse 12). Muslim women are described in the Al Qur'an as (amongst other things) those who "do not kill their children." (Chapter 60, verse 12)

In Islam we are asked to marry, conceive and maintain pregnancy till its natural end as fixed by GOD, and to produce many children. Every conception is legitimate and every pregnancy is desired and wanted. In Islam there is no such thing as an "unwanted pregnancy." Every child is regarded as a great gift from God.

Many verses in Al Qur'an describe beautifully and scientifically all the different stages of development and growth of the unborn baby, producing great admiration for The Creator, the best of Designers! (Chapter 23, verses 12,13,14)

Islam also has stated clearly the rights of the foetus; the right to life and protection from any harm, the right to lineage, the right to support from family, the right to legal status and inheritance.

Ibn Taymiyah, one of Islam's great scholars, said: "It is the consensus of all fuqaha (renowned Muslim scholars) that abortion is prohibited."

Al Ghazzali, a great scholar of Islam, indicated that it is a crime to disturb the fertilised egg of a human being.

The fertilised egg (the foundation of every human being), which is called NUTFA AMSHAJJ in the Qur'an, is to be fully protected and respected!. All destructive embryo research is against the teachings of Islam!

Every fertilised egg contains the genes, the inheritance from both parents with clear gender either boy or girl!

Imam Malik (a well-known Muslim scholar) states, abortion is not allowed at any stage of the pregnancy from conception. Not only that, but Islamic law prescribes punishment for anyone performing or assisting in abortion:

Al-Gurrah (blood money) is payable if the baby is aborted dead. (At current rates this would be about £1000) Full Diyyah (blood money, about £20,000) is payable if the baby is aborted alive.


Muslims should work closely with Pro-Life organisations, Christians and others in order to stop the daily killing of innocent unborn babies (this is a Muslim duty)!

Please join with me in the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), which campaigns to protect all lives from conception until natural death. SPUC Muslims is a division of the Society reaching out to the Muslim community - please help us peacefully oppose the culture of death in this country.

Dr A. Majid Katme (MBBCh, DPM)

Muslim Coordinator, SPUC

Pro-life, pro-family Muslim Campaigner (UK/UN)

T: 07944 240 622 E-mail address: muslims@spuc.org.uk


Dr. A. Majid Katme is available to give talks on Islam and abortion, Islam and euthanasia, Islam and human cloning and other issues affecting the sanctity of human life. Material about abortion.

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No no harm at all - it's not as if anyone's life was put in danger whilst the decision was made, and I'm sure there will be no emotional hurt to the poor nun who has copped the flack, nor to the mother who won't feel guilty, and not for future patients at the hospital who may be left to die.


To be fair by the standards of what can happen when an archaic institution meets the modern world that isn't too bad an outcome, but it's a long way from 'good'.


Your mention of good works done in the churches name is irrelevant. If your doctor let your partner die due to their negligence would you be at all comforted by the fact that he helped some other patients?


No patients were left to die in this case! What are you talking about? The bishop concerned has no medical qualifications. Archaeic institution? Does this hospital treat one patient at a time? You will probably find it is saving peoples lives left right and centre. The administrator in question made the correct decision. The bishop did not. Like I said previously the outcome was good. I stand by this!

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Dont lay it all on the Catholics, you lot give them a hard time too.


There is not a single statement in the Holy Book Al Qur'an or in the sayings (ahadith/sunnah) of the final Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which allows abortion!

On the contrary, there are verses in the Holy Book Al Qur'an which are clearly against the killing of any unborn child or child, male or female, by any means, for any reason and at any stage of the pregnancy (Chapter 6, verse 151, Chapter 17, verse 31,Chapter 5, verse 31, Chapter 60,verse 12). Muslim women are described in the Al Qur'an as (amongst other things) those who "do not kill their children." (Chapter 60, verse 12)

In Islam we are asked to marry, conceive and maintain pregnancy till its natural end as fixed by GOD, and to produce many children. Every conception is legitimate and every pregnancy is desired and wanted. In Islam there is no such thing as an "unwanted pregnancy." Every child is regarded as a great gift from God.

Many verses in Al Qur'an describe beautifully and scientifically all the different stages of development and growth of the unborn baby, producing great admiration for The Creator, the best of Designers! (Chapter 23, verses 12,13,14)

Islam also has stated clearly the rights of the foetus; the right to life and protection from any harm, the right to lineage, the right to support from family, the right to legal status and inheritance.

Ibn Taymiyah, one of Islam's great scholars, said: "It is the consensus of all fuqaha (renowned Muslim scholars) that abortion is prohibited."

Al Ghazzali, a great scholar of Islam, indicated that it is a crime to disturb the fertilised egg of a human being.

The fertilised egg (the foundation of every human being), which is called NUTFA AMSHAJJ in the Qur'an, is to be fully protected and respected!. All destructive embryo research is against the teachings of Islam!

Every fertilised egg contains the genes, the inheritance from both parents with clear gender either boy or girl!

Imam Malik (a well-known Muslim scholar) states, abortion is not allowed at any stage of the pregnancy from conception. Not only that, but Islamic law prescribes punishment for anyone performing or assisting in abortion:

Al-Gurrah (blood money) is payable if the baby is aborted dead. (At current rates this would be about £1000) Full Diyyah (blood money, about £20,000) is payable if the baby is aborted alive.


Muslims should work closely with Pro-Life organisations, Christians and others in order to stop the daily killing of innocent unborn babies (this is a Muslim duty)!

Please join with me in the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), which campaigns to protect all lives from conception until natural death. SPUC Muslims is a division of the Society reaching out to the Muslim community - please help us peacefully oppose the culture of death in this country.

Dr A. Majid Katme (MBBCh, DPM)

Muslim Coordinator, SPUC

Pro-life, pro-family Muslim Campaigner (UK/UN)

T: 07944 240 622 E-mail address: muslims@spuc.org.uk


Dr. A. Majid Katme is available to give talks on Islam and abortion, Islam and euthanasia, Islam and human cloning and other issues affecting the sanctity of human life. Material about abortion.

With much respect. Thanks!

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Once again Plekhanov has managed to dig some dirt on the catholic church, in reality turned out good so no damage was done.

Right so no harm was done to the patient or nun then? No pressure has been put on the nuns replacement to refuse to treat the next patient in this position and just let her die?


A little over reaction on the bishops behalf. However the catholic religion saves thousands of peoples lives every year. Through their charity work etc etc.

It also causes thousands of deaths by amongst other things:

So lets remember folks the catholic church does actually do great things in the majority of cases.

Evidence to back up this huge claim please.


I am sure if you look deep and hard enough on any religion you will find your fair share of dirt. Plekhanov go pick on the Muslims ........i dare YOU!

1. I didn't go looking for this story it's been all over the internet in the last week & I simply came across it.

2. There's no need for the fatwa envy I critique any and all ideologies & institutions as I see fit on an equal opportunity basis.

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Once again Plekhanov has managed to dig some dirt on the catholic church, in reality turned out good so no damage was done. A little over reaction on the bishops behalf. However the catholic religion saves thousands of peoples lives every year. Through their charity work etc etc. So lets remember folks the catholic church does actually do great things in the majority of cases. I am sure if you look deep and hard enough on any religion you will find your fair share of dirt. Plekhanov go pick on the Muslims ........i dare YOU!


I take it you don't post on here often :hihi:


Fair play to the Nun for for making the right choice.

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Right so no harm was done to the patient or nun then? No pressure has been put on the nuns replacement to refuse to treat the next patient in this position and just let her die?



It also causes thousands of deaths by amongst other things:


Evidence to back up this huge claim please.




1. I didn't go looking for this story it's been all over the internet in the last week & I simply came across it.

2. There's no need for the fatwa envy I critique any and all ideologies & institutions as I see fit on an equal opportunity basis.

In this day and age there is enough contraception available for people not to need abortion. I dont believe in abortion. I do believe in using my noggin and not getting caught out .......I do have 3 young sons! I am running to the hospital for the snip soon as the appointment comes:hihi:I will cope with gods wrath regarding contraception until that time:hihi:


I looked at the Nicaragua info. Where does it say catholicism has placed this woman at risk it looks like its the law in this case!


the nun in question did not and would not leave anyone to die!!


Ok you didnt look for this story but you do choose to open a thread on the "evilness" of catholicism AGAIN! when in reality it shows a real good woman doing the work of god and saving a life. Bishop getting it all wrong.If Jesus was still around he coulda saved them both.... If you ever read the new testament, Jesus spent lots of time teaching his disciples where they were getting it wrong letting snobbery and human emotion get in the way of what is really right.

You want evidence of what catholics do what is great .......CAFOD for one!

I just find your constant anti catholic views offensive and it really annoys me that you are allowed to get away with it. Had you picked on Islam this thread would have been closed. Thats all i was getting at!!

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