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Catholic Church says Woman should have died with foetus

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CAFOD do great things -just so long as your are catholic!

Unlike organisations such as the Salvation Army who will help ANYONE regardless of religion, colour or creed.


CAFOD doesnt discriminate against peoples colour or creed.......Religion, yes I suppose it does

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CAFOD=Catholic Aid For Overseas Development. i dont profess to know the politics of the Vatican and HIV I do know it does good things for OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT!


You only have to compare what was being said by CAFOD in 2004




to their lamentably defensive statement (if you wish to download it) of 2005:




to appreciate something of the pressure to bear that has been brought upon them.

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CAFOD doesnt discriminate against peoples colour or creed.......Religion, yes I suppose it does


Actually, to be fair, they directed some of their aid through Islamic Relief to assist in the Gaza crisis and I believe work with Red Crescent.

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CAFOD.A charity that is only as old as me.
:hihi:My congratulations to you! you will be 100 years old next year?? I hope at 99 I can argue as well as you using the latest technology on an open forum!!


CAFOD did its first work in 1911!!:hihi::hihi:

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I dont believe I said i donated money to any charities. I do though I also think if it wasnt for my catholic upbringing that I probably wouldnt.

Crikey, that's quite an admittance. :o


I can answer that one simply. Its the only one I know and All the way through school it was the one we always collected money for.

Our school had close links with a school in Africa which we used to collect money directly for. As a young man I used to work voluntarily in an Oxfam shop. I don't have much time for direct support now, but I do have 4 gift aids set up, and I did convince my CE to set up a gift aid facility for employees and match any contributions. Some of them even choose CAFOD (founded 1960)!


I'm not writing this to make me appear a better person, merely to point out the nonsense in your earlier statement. Your "upbringing" might have made you a nice person, but your "Catholic upbringing"? Really?


I suspect your empathy for others would have been just as positive without the Catholic bit in your upbringing. Your claims otherwise actually make the non-religious seem better people because we do it with no promises of heaven, but I don't accept that.


I can accept that gathering a group of people together can motivate people to contribute to charities, but this is as true for a dinner dance at Baldwins as it is for the church service on Sunday morning. Besides there are plenty of non-Catholic charities to contribute to, many of which that have a better ranking with charitywatch. What charity did Catholics collect for before 1960? Your first quote would suggest that UK Catholics did not contribute to charities before 1960, perhaps this is true, perhaps all the collection plate went towards more gold, but I very much doubt it.

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:hihi:My congratulations to you! you will be 100 years old next year?? I hope at 99 I can argue as well as you using the latest technology on an open forum!!


CAFOD did its first work in 1911!!:hihi::hihi:


Ha ha yeah your right I just thought it was 2059 for some reason .....:hihi:


Which would have made them 148 ...

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What charity did Catholics collect for before 1960? Your first quote would suggest that UK Catholics did not contribute to charities before 1960, perhaps this is true, perhaps all the collection plate went towards more gold, but I very much doubt it.


My recollection from a Catholic childhood (all be it post-CAFOD) is that they collected for charities like the SVP, but apart from that I suspect a lot of it was to do with supporting missionary work, various ventures into the encouragement of apostasy not to mention their, now, notorious children's homes. Since the late 60s, of course, they have SPUC and Pro-Life. CAFOD I suspect is more popular amongst liberal Catholics, SPUC/Pro-Life/Missinary stuff - amongst the traditionalists.

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