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Quick Fix Diets

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how do u lose the flab around the belly


Exercise. You cannot spot reduce fat so doing lots of crunches will actually make your stomach protrude even further as you are making the muscles larger but not getting rid of the layer of fat that covers them.


Walking, swimming, cylcing etc. The gym membership for 19.50 would be perfect. I have found it to be excellent at lightening my mood when I have een depressed.

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looks like I need it. Just used their calculator.... I'm obese!! :(


BMI is one of the worst ways to judge someones healthy weight. IT doesn't take note of wht the weight is (fat/muscle). Muscle being heavier thus weighing more is better, in moderation, than fat.


To give you idea of how silly the BMI is it would classify most of the England Rugby Union team as morbidly obese. While no one would call these guys small to class them as morbidly obese is ridiculous.

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good advice taken on board, i am rather tall and skinny but with a gut, il have to start a routine with the bike and do somethin positive with that


i think il just start with not eating chocolate, then il cut back on somethin else and so on... i dont think my diet is makin my body feel good


i will just have a few treats a week and see how it goes, i think a good dance at off the rails on friday will be a good starting workout for me then next week a fresh start

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Jason - I know how you feel about hating the way your body looks - I am the same.


I've recently booked a holiday and found that this is a big incentive to loose weight. Have you considered setting yourself a target, or some kind of reward? For example for every 3 pounds you loose, reward yourself with something you enjoy.


I swim twice a week and also take the dog for an hourly walk in the countryside two or three times as well. I know it isn't a huge amount but I feel healthier in myself and slowly but surely I am noticing a difference!


I know it's hard to motivate yourself to do these things, but set yourself a target and every time you think, "I can't be bothered to do some excercise" or "I don't like the way I look" remember why you are trying to loose weight - to be healthier, and be more confident in the way you look.


I would definately recommend swimming though, it's really good for strengthening your lungs and tones most of the muscle/fat areas in your body. It's said that through 30 minutes intense swimming you can burn up to 600 calories - that's your average evening meal!


Stick with it, and good luck :)

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If any of you guys are looking for something that works, then give the classes I run a try.


* 8cm lost from waistlines/hips in 6 weeks

* Stone lost in a month

* Size 16 to 12 in 8 weeks.

* Massive increase in fitness levels

* Clothes looser, bodyshape visibly leaner within a month


You will train in a sociable environments with likeminded people, all with the same goals. As 95% of class members are female, the legs, bottom and hips are heavily targetted.


The classes are located.........


Monday - High Green

Wednesday - Gleadless

Thursday - Stannington


If you are at the end of your tether with diets and are looking for something that has been proven to work, then give this a go. Unlike a gym there are no contracts, so not only will you lose the flabby pounds from your body, you will save the pounds in your bank account

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