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Any saab mechanic experts

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does anyone have any issues with front wheels and steering. every time i turn left or right out of a junction thre front wheels feel like they are too far turned and the steering wheel is too far round. this results in a stuttering sensation as i move off.. any ideas anyone?/

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I have just bought a saab 93 1.8 and wondered whether someone can give me advice on increasing bhp.


its an entry level saab on a 07 plate and ive bin told that hirsch do not have products to convert this particular model. However i was told that there will be other approved conversion kits.


can anyone help??


Have you tried asking a Saab dealership


Why don't you sell the car, save some money and buy yourself a bicycle


It would be great for the environment :thumbsup:

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Have you tried asking a Saab dealership


Why don't you sell the car, save some money and buy yourself a bicycle


It would be great for the environment :thumbsup:

Since you're so worried about the environment why do you so enjoy wasting bandwidth? :loopy: :loopy:

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  • 2 months later...

bin having problems with my saab 93 and explained these in great detail to pentagon saab..


the car seems to be steering funny vering to the right, difficult to exit off a motorway having come off a roundabout turning right, car slows when moved from 1st to second gear . wheels seemingly juddering as if they are tripping over themselves due to steering wheel overturning . and now the brake light failure indicator has come on after its been supposedly checked.


all this is in dispute with pentagon as they say theres nowt wrong with it, but they tell me that they will check it with their parkway service centre. then i get a call at 4pm saying it will cost me 60quid when at no point did they say this at the time and the car is still under their warranty..


im fuming..


does anyone know why the brakelight failure indicator come on when the brakelights are fine?? can an occuring problem with the car trigger this..


also what to do with a car under warranty that is is dispute with a dealer saying there is nothing wrong with it when there really is making the owner feel riled and stupid.

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AFAIK the brake light failure indicator tests for resistance. Just change the bulb anyway. It could also just be a loose connection.


It sounds to me like the tracking is way out on your car - too much toe-in on the passenger side I reckon. Or something loose there that allows the wheel to wander. How long has it been like this? If it has been a while you will perhaps be able to see your tyres wearing oddly?

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hi its been a while to be fair.


i think i will just go and get the wheels tracked . balanced . alligned..


i know jack about cars ..are all the above meaning the same thing??


the steering problems im having are pretty bad .. but pentagon say theres no fault with it and tried conning me out of money spent on their wheel allignment check . the said they would send it there and i was to drive it to their parkway gargage. then i get a call and he nonchelantly tells me it will be 65 quid and its all booked..


i lost my only key aswell a while ago and they said that id have to have a new ignition system put in as there was no code at a cost of 800quid then when i argued withthem the cost was reduced significantly.. they said they had replaced the part that had come from sweden. however i think they just re coded 2 keys and feigned customer service..


so then best place to have my wheele realligned/balanced etc??

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hi its been a while to be fair.


i think i will just go and get the wheels tracked . balanced . alligned..


i know jack about cars ..are all the above meaning the same thing??


the steering problems im having are pretty bad .. but pentagon say theres no fault with it and tried conning me out of money spent on their wheel allignment check .


I take mine to Hawleys on Sharrowvale Road, although I believe they have other branches. £20 for a wheel alignment as I recall - it's been a while though! Tracked / aligned is the same thing (to me at least) Balanced is where they put little weights on the wheels to stop them vibrating at speed.

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Have you tried asking a Saab dealership


I would avoid them like the plague, at least in Sheffield.


The standards of Sheffields main dealer (Lambs) are the main reason I now drive a Golf.


Having said that, Gilders haven't proven to be very good either, so I now get my car serviced in another city :(

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