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Everybody draw the Holocaust day.

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Consider that denying the holocaust is a criminal offence in several countries... Try visiting one of the concentration camps - or even the imperial war museum - and continuing to deny it...
Considering that I have never denied the Holocaust, you may wish to have another go at lying more convincingly eh?
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Is anyone keeping score by the way ??


Tab1 versus anyone that brings it on ?




it keeps us sarky loons entertained at the very least but can you make some of the words you use a bit smaller and easier to understand for us thickoes please :help: You gotta cater for the underdog ;)

Let's face it all of us on here are just passing time, so I never take it so serious enough to affect my real life. I hope you don't either but can see the troll who does though. The guy is so hung up on my persona that he never misses a chance to have a go and we have a regular sparring session till bedtime. It's not going to change the world but if we all learn something from each other then it is progress. Even arguing is learning in my book.


I don't regard anybody a thicko, unless they happen to support the BNP and feel they are cleverer because they have white skin, but otherwise we are equals. ;)



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Let's face it all of us on here are just passing time, so I never take it so serious enough to affect my real life. I hope you don't either but can see the troll who does though. The guy is so hung up on my persona that he never misses a chance to have a go and we have a regular sparring session till bedtime. It's not going to change the world but if we all learn something from each other then it is progress. Even arguing is learning in my book.


I don't regard anybody a thicko, unless they happen to support the BNP and feel they are cleverer because they have white skin, but otherwise we are equals. ;)




Couldn't have put it more eloquent myself Tab1.. More power to yer fingers.. ;)

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Adolf Hitler once remarked to his munitions minister Albert Speer that the Muslim religion would have worked well for German men. Bred out the soft Christianity in them and replaced it with the harder less compassionate qualities of a true warrior.


From Albert Speers book "Inside the Third Reich"

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Yep and I have read the explanation by the instigator of the facebook page who...watch my lips tabby...continually uses the words lie and liars in respect of the holocaust its denial in my book and I would imagine most of the others who read it,now if you cant see that you are either very illiterate or a denialist yourself ..which one are you ?...time for tabby's question dodging excuses...cue the word racist and idiot in any order .....and he stills seem to be suffering from paranoia
And therein lies your problem matey, try reality for a change.
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Just a light hearted funny observation to end the evening on, A La 'Mock the week' Stylee..


Your signature about Ghandi, Tab1... Can I offer "It's a bullet... Ow ! dead"


Yeah I know.... but it's getting late ;)

yeah you need a rest;)

Have to be up for five thirty, such is life.

Good night!

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