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Everybody draw the Holocaust day.

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I don't recall you discussing anything with me on this matter to be honest so why the negative comments? Is it just to show support to a certain group? :suspect:



The bit in bold doesn't even make sense, as I said, it's like knitting fog. I don't even have a clue what group you think my post would be supporting.

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So you respect the forum rules enough to abide by them, but I understood you to be a champion of free speech and freedom of expression. Now that you been asked for your opinion on an event concerning double standards, instead of defending freedom of expression you run with tail between your legs, telling me to go to a different forum if I didn't like the rules, nice one. That is hypocrisy in my book Plek whether you like it or not. I have no problem with forum rules but do have a problem with your double standards and will say so too.

So you're giving up on your previous false allegations of hypocrisy and are attempting to fabricate another one instead how very moral :roll:


Not having seen both the images nor their apparently different treatment I can't comment upon them & I'm certainly not going to when all I have to go on are the claims of you a habitual liar.


If there was a double standard in how they were treated I don't agree with that just as I don't agree with the forums general miss manners modding policy. But the fact is this isn't my forum and I don't make the rules instead by voluntarily coming here I agree to abide by the forums published rules and the decisions of the mods mysterious as they often seem to be. I fully accept that this board is private property and there is no such thing as a right to free speech on private property.


Show me where I have ever claimed that people should have absolute freedom of speech on others private property. You can't can you? As such just like your blatantly false allegation your current accusation of hypocrisy against me is completely groundless.

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How nice.


But how does that work then?


Every time you visit your mosque you are disrespecting the beliefs of Christians, and every time a Christian visits his church he is disrespecting the beliefs of Muslims, etc etc.


What you are doing is confusing respect with tolerance. In a healthy society we tolerate different views, but we don’t have to respect them.


I supported EDMD because I thought it was a valid, and humorous, response to the intolerant views of some fanatical Islamists that threatened violence in their demands that we, all of us, respect their views.


This response would have been most effective if most of the drawing were of Muhammad in a positive or neutral manner, to show that the true basis of the campaign was that religious dogma doesn’t apply to people outside the faith and that we will not accept threats of violence.


The websites I visit had numerous examples of 100% positive images, many with Muhammad calling for peace. I recall one where the artist had created an image from a collage of flowers. But my favourites were the simple stick figures, particularly one where somebody had drawn 5 stick figures and written underneath, “oops I seem to have inadvertently drawn an image of Muhammad”. :)


I’m aware that certain idiots took this as an opportunity to provoke rather than appreciate the real message of the campaign, but ironically the only really offensive image I saw was posted on SF by a Muslim. It’s a shame, because if the idiots had remained out of the campaign I would have liked to see the majority of Muslims support it, and support the idea that respect cannot be demanded, particularly using violence.


Unfortunately I harbour a suspicion that most people of religious faith do demand respect, and to demand respect is intolerant.


I agree respect cannot be demanded through violence- and those who take this form of response have no room to moan IMO.


I do not understand some points in your post- that is, how a muslim disrespects a christian etc by going to a mosque and vice versa:huh:


What I meant by understanding and tolerance, is to respect ppl of all faiths- I know in parts of the UK (and probably in other parts of the world) there is a lot of inter faith dialogue- THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE MORE OF.


I know in Ipswich there is a very strong connection from muslims, christians and Jewish faiths - run by someone I learnt a lot of my early Islamic knowledge from- as there are organisations working closer now than before, in areas like Birmingham example.


The Ipswich campaign arranges people of different faiths to see how others work and as there are alot of similarities in religion (fundamentally at least) these are better learnt through dialogue- as well as visiting the others place of worship or holding open days in at a neutral place.

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Considering that I have never denied the Holocaust, you may wish to have another go at lying more convincingly eh?


I'm not lying about anything. The tone of the post I quoted was somewhat cynical. As for the FB group in question which you seem to support, it is full of people implying it's a lie.

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But his post's are coherent and calculated and he can't half put up an opinion without the need to take a 'Holiday' Gotta give him that ;)


Still as mad as a bag of frogs though:D.


I agree respect cannot be demanded through violence


Respect can not be demanded (regardless of the threats involved) only earned.

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I do not understand some points in your post- that is, how a muslim disrespects a christian etc by going to a mosque and vice versa:huh:


Well that's one point you seem to not understand, and it seems quite obvious to me. When you go to your mosque you are showing disrespect for the Christian judgement that Jesus is the son of god.


Quite simply there is too much baggage associated with this word "respect" now, it has been hijacked by the gangsters and religious nutjobs that demand it.


We should tolerate people, agree to disagree, "respect" the concept of tolerance and free speech as it were. There is no need to respect other peoples' ideas, only tolerate them.


When people demand it, they lose it.

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