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Everybody draw the Holocaust day.

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Far, far more "idiotic" due to the fact that good arguments can be made that far from being in the least bit "idiotic" Everyone Draw Mohamed Day was a rational response to a real problem whereas Everybody draw deny the Holocaust day is completely nonsensical.


Everyone Draw Mohamed Day was a logical response to the Islamists attacks upon those who drew cartoons of Mohamed & the subsequent chilling effect that had upon freedom of expression around the world. The reasoning being Islamists might be able to target a few people to intimidate the rest but if millions stand up together to show they won't be intimidated the lack of power real power behind the Islamists threats will be exposed.


In contrast there is no rational path from people of all kinds drawing Mohamed to denying the holocaust. Only a really full on Islamist anti-semite could possibly see the latter as a fit response to the former and you should be ashamed of your self for pretending there is an equivalence between the two.


You sound offended and starting to use terms of abuse already, what happened to your defence of freedom of expression even when you don't agree with it hypocit plek? Wipe the foam off man you are a disgusting biased man Plek. Islamist this Islamist that crap, won'y wash, it wasn't the Islamists that were being insulted but every Muslim on the planet and you thought that was OK, but now a different language and a new set of rules takes over, you are a so pathetic excuse maker.


What was gained other than strained relations and a realisation of how stupid some people can be? Do you think any Muslims suddenly changed religion because some hateful anti-Islam shower showed them the light?


I agree with their freedom do it and may not agree but am surprised why you use a different yardstick now. What price freedom?

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Is there any particular reason for promoting the holocaust as appossed to other genocides that are completely ignored?


BNP supporter grasps wrong end of stick again shock! (no, not really a shock at all).


It isn't "promoting" the holocaust at all.



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I pick my bum but Mohammad eats it ?? Does that count ?? each to their own !! ;)




So when did Sheffield Forum disintegrate into a personal one up manship agenda then................................. All I ever read of your posts is vitriol and your well known stance on whatever you stand for................................................................................. Some people ought to read other peoples posts that are not about decay and derogatory statements in general...
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Fair enough. If someone wants to deny the Holocaust let them.


Anyone who examines the evidence will come to the conclusion that the Holocaust happened. I don't agree with the law in some European countries that make Holocaust denial a crime as I'm a firm believer in freedom (and expression) of belief, however wrong.

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I find it odd that the response of some Muslims towards those who created this 'day' who are of no religion is to attack the Jews :roll:


What I find worrying is that after death threats to the creator facebook took the side of violent intimidators and removed the group from their site :huh:

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I find it odd that the response of some Muslims towards those who created this 'day' who are of no religion is to attack the Jews :roll:


What I find worrying is that after death threats to the creator facebook took the side of violent intimidators and removed the group from their site :huh:

Is this a suggestion that only the non religious types took part? I believe all Islam haters took part serapis your reasoning is a little warped.

Freedom of expression shouldn't be limited to except this or that, it's freedom complete according to Plek and co. If Muslims are not accorded respect for their religion then using the same principle why should the Jews?


One post you express you laughed and the next you lose your sense of humor, come on man just accept other people may find things funny that you don't, no need to start crying about it. Before you edited your post it read that facebook took the side of would be murderers, way over the top fella, I am glad you saw error in the post and changed it to violent intimidators.

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Is this a suggestion that only the non religious types took part? I believe all Islam haters took part serapis your reasoning is a little warped.


Do you have any statistics on who took part? I haven't seen any, but obviously you must have done.



Freedom of expression shouldn't be limited to except this or that, it's freedom complete according to Plek and co. If Muslims are not accorded respect for their religion then using the same principle why should the Jews?


The question I asked repeatedly on the 'Draw Mohammed Day' thread was "Why would anyone be offended if someone they didn't know drew their interpretation of what a long dead human looked like?" but sadly I never got an answer. Perhaps you could provide one?


In the absence of any sort of explanation as to why the drawing of Mohammed is perceived as offensive, one might argue that there was no reason for anyone to be in the slightest bit bothered by it.


It seems perfectly obvious to me that the holocaust - an even which only happened 70 years ago and in which millions of people were murdered - is an area in which offence might be easily caused.


As many others have said, it seems an odd choice to respond to a situation in which people have protested their right to free expression in light of death threats to people who have drawn a dead man from followers of Islam by having a 'Draw the Holocaust Day'


However, I presume from this that the argument that people should be allowed free expression has won the day and that the organisers of the 'Holocaust' day will no longer take offence if people draw Mohammed?

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