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Everybody draw the Holocaust day.

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Come off your high horse chap, and don't confuse yourself in an attempt to confuse me. You can look for yourself when the event was held and if at all it took place without any statistics or do you want proof of that too. The people taking part were not restricted by religious affiliation, but the motivation for taking part offensively was a shared hate for Islam, so if you have any statistics to prove otherwise that is what I continue to believe.


Do you mean 'no, I haven't seen any stats, I'm just making it up as I go along' by any chance?


I merely asked if you had stats to back up your (repeated) assertion that people took part because they 'hate Islam'. I have not made any assertion that requires statistical back up.


I would say though that given the protest was to demonstrate freedom of expression, I think it is more than likely that some, if not most, of those taking part did so without hating Islam. It is a shame your world view appears to be dominated by ideas of who hates who; it seems to be blinding you to the fact that most people are not driven by hate.


You have pigeon holed me here, I didn't object to draw a Mohammed day and in fact when I posted a representative picture of one of our racist's Mum in a compromising position being given one by the cartoon Mohammed and one of Griffin also the links were promptly removed. So much for freedom of expression eh.


I didn't say you did object to draw Mohammed day. I said that people who take part in the 'Holocaust' day cannot be logically opposed to the 'Mohammed' one you took part in.


I didn't see the links you posted, but the cartoons sound really grown up and sensible. I would point out though that if you are referencing living, identifiable individuals then you lay yourself open to legal action, which is perhaps the reason they were removed. That and the fact that the forum doesn't like links which are not family friendly - the forum doesn't claim to offer free expression, that is why it is moderated.


You assume too much if you think you will have me nitpicking individual phrases and explaining to you meanings the world how you understand it, that is something for you to do for yourself chap.


It seems I assumed to much asking you to give a yes or no answer, so I have revised my expectations considerably downwards.

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Guest sibon
I didn't hear many posters saying that when the muslims were getting picked on in the so called draw Mohammed day. They can pick on who they choose because it's all about the freedom of speech and expression init?

I have noticed that the same posters who were bleating on about the freedom to say and express opinions are now crying that it's not right.

For every action their is a reaction so no point crying foul now is there unless you are a hypocrite.


I can't say that I've noticed that in this thread, Indeed, it is refreshingly clear of the usual suspects. Perhaps you could point out where this has happened.


As for an attempt to compare the drawing of a picture of a guess about the appearance of a long dead man, with the denial of the murder of 6M Jews... that is a bit shameful really. The people who think that it is ok, need to buy a better mirror. The two things really are not equivalent.

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Guest sibon
Indeed it does I agree and this is the first time I read of it when coming across this thread, so not much publicised it seems except by the troublemakers. My main argument was though that freedom of expression should be a right to all and not just to things we agree with.


That might become my new sig.


If I only knew how to shake off Elvis:)

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Thats just it. Its not ok to attack Muslims.

Attack tho's people that attack you from whatever clan they care to be part of but we should keep it at the door of the people that are doing it. I don't concider the 90 odd % of Muslims the same as the few that are head the balls, just like theres probably a lot of Jewish peoples that are not hell bent on taking over the region at the expence of the population living there.


That said, I still think that humour should have no boundries whether its drawing a prophet or a holocaust, crusifiction ect ect.


We all calm down over this lot and it will fade away, take it to heart and it will be the strangest war in history as it will be born out of jest.

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Maybe you out flanked them by not taking the obvious agressive stance against the prophet day. :D

I took part in it by photoshoping a picture of a fairly frightening looking woman onto one of those cartoons circulating with the caption 'truconstruct's mum gets it good', but my freedom of expression was soon taken down forthwith, I was left wondering what I'd done wrong:huh::D

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I took part in it by photoshoping a picture of a fairly frightening looking woman onto one of those cartoons circulating with the caption 'truconstruct's mum gets it good', but my freedom of expression was soon taken down forthwith, I was left wondering what I'd done wrong:huh::D

That will be the human rights act again :D

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I took part in it by photoshoping a picture of a fairly frightening looking woman onto one of those cartoons circulating with the caption 'truconstruct's mum gets it good', but my freedom of expression was soon taken down forthwith, I was left wondering what I'd done wrong:huh::D


I've explained it to you - you can slander the living, and the image fell foul of the forum's guidelines on decency. The forum does not claim to offer free expression.


So far you are the only person I know of who took part in 'Draw Mohammed Day' - did you do so because of your hatred of Islam?


The people taking part were not restricted by religious affiliation, but the motivation for taking part offensively was a shared hate for Islam,
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Guest sibon
I took part in it by photoshoping a picture of a fairly frightening looking woman onto one of those cartoons circulating with the caption 'truconstruct's mum gets it good', but my freedom of expression was soon taken down forthwith, I was left wondering what I'd done wrong:huh::D



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I've explained it to you - you can slander the living, and the image fell foul of the forum's guidelines on decency. The forum does not claim to offer free expression.

Thats a fair point.


I think slagging something that someone believes in is within the realms. Its hard to proove the person/entity in the jest could or would find offence. Its obvious that a living person could and would object in person.

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Do you mean 'no, I haven't seen any stats, I'm just making it up as I go along' by any chance?


I merely asked if you had stats to back up your (repeated) assertion that people took part because they 'hate Islam'. I have not made any assertion that requires statistical back up.


I would say though that given the protest was to demonstrate freedom of expression, I think it is more than likely that some, if not most, of those taking part did so without hating Islam. It is a shame your world view appears to be dominated by ideas of who hates who; it seems to be blinding you to the fact that most people are not driven by hate.




I didn't say you did object to draw Mohammed day. I said that people who take part in the 'Holocaust' day cannot be logically opposed to the 'Mohammed' one you took part in.


I didn't see the links you posted, but the cartoons sound really grown up and sensible. I would point out though that if you are referencing living, identifiable individuals then you lay yourself open to legal action, which is perhaps the reason they were removed. That and the fact that the forum doesn't like links which are not family friendly - the forum doesn't claim to offer free expression, that is why it is moderated.




It seems I assumed to much asking you to give a yes or no answer, so I have revised my expectations considerably downwards.


For all of the noises you make, you are still have a fairly closed and presumptuous mind. It's is interesting how you try and pigeon hole me first and then seek for me to justify your warped view of me.

No links no stats no proofs, just a discussion on the level and if you can't debate in a cicil manner then you have a problem and I don't intend to adopt your problems if you don't mind?


There must have been some if not all and what percentage does this some include, and what address was that ant that walked passd me at 3.30 on abbeydale Road and where was it going..........:hihi: Get over yourself fella, I am not your teacher Google is your friend go find.;)

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