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Everybody draw the Holocaust day.

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And you tought it was stupid and made no sense yet holding the draw Mohammed day made every sense to you, how ironic or it moronic? I told you if you don't want to give the message that you do then don't bother posting your drivel.

So where are these posts that you claim "give the message" that I think Everybody draw deny the holocaust day should be banned then? Please give specific quotes and links.


You know very well I never posted anything which suggested anything of the sort, you're just pretending I did as you're nothing but a liar with no response to what I actually post.

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For all of the noises you make, you are still have a fairly closed and presumptuous mind.


What have a posted that leads you to that conclusion?


I assume that given that Islam apparently deems any image of Mohammed offensive, then it would definitely consider an image of Mohammed engaged in congress to be offensive.

Oh dear:hihi::hihi::hihi:


I have posted before Islam does not initself deem images as offensive but the people seeing their prophet deliberately insulted do take offense. How difficult is that to understand?

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Yes there is no image of Mohammed who took the photo 1400 years ago?:huh: Are you suggesting that them Muslims had cameras back then or secret portraits painted from back then? No you do the explaining instead of asking all the questions presumptuous fella


'Image' is not a synonym for 'photograph' I don't know what I have said that might lead a person to think I was suggesting cameras existed 1400 years ago.


I can draw an image of my great great grandfather, although I have never met him, or seen a contemporary portrait of him. It may or may not look like the actual man, but it will be an artistic interpretation of my thoughts on what he probably looked like nonetheless.


Similarly one can guess what Mohammed looked like, and draw him.


You seem to think though that the only way an image can be created is with a camera or by a contemporary sketch artist, but that no such sources exist, and yet earlier you said you had used or drawn an image of Moahammed in congress with various people. You can't have it both ways.

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Maybe not. I think that you have missed my point slightly though. I've no doubt that some, possibly many of the cartoonists have drawn Mohammed as an intentional insult. There will plenty who drew their cartoon because they think they have the right to free expression, no insult intended.


So, one more time. Don't you think that we all have bigger fish to fry? Don't you think that this sort of argument only feeds the Islamophobes?


I've got news for you. People in the west DO have thr right to free expression. Get used to it. it'll take more than a few demented religious lunatics threatening to kill people because they dont like them exercising their freedoms.

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Oh dear:hihi::hihi::hihi:


I have posted before Islam does not initself deem images as offensive but the people seeing their prophet deliberately insulted do take offense. How difficult is that to understand?


I would have thought that an image of Mohammed in congress with some woman you downloaded off the internet would be a bit of an insult?


Was my assumption about that wrong? I stand corrected if it was - I may make assumptions, but ones which I think are fairly sound, but I definitely don't have a closed mind.


So let's get this right - images of Mohammed in congress are not offensive?

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So where are these posts that you claim "give the message" that I think Everybody draw deny the holocaust day should be banned then? Please give specific quotes and links.


You know very well I never posted anything which suggested anything of the sort, you're just pretending I did as you're nothing but a liar with no response to what I actually post.

Where have I posted that you said that holocaust deniers should be banned? Are you going mad or something Plek why are you making things up? Now stop lying and it's late get to bed man I have to be up early in the morning.;)
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I would have thought that an image of Mohammed in congress with some woman you downloaded off the internet would be a bit of an insult?


Was my assumption about that wrong? I stand corrected if it was - I may make assumptions, but ones which I think are fairly sound, but I definitely don't have a closed mind.


So let's get this right - images of Mohammed in congress are not offensive?

You would have thought so I agree because you presume that image is of Mohammed when in reality none exist. So would you explain how you get around that little difficulty in your thinking or doesn't that matter?
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Oh dear:hihi::hihi::hihi:


I have posted before Islam does not initself deem images as offensive but the people seeing their prophet deliberately insulted do take offense. How difficult is that to understand?

Very to myself. Im not sure how that would pan out.

So the images are not offencive but anyone finding humour in them is ?


or, the images are not offencive as long as they are not insuiltive ? in which case I would like to know what humour you have seen/listened to thats been offencive to no one. Nearly all humour is hurtful in some way or other, whether its against others or ourselves. We oftern draw on our own weeknesses in humour-hence the drawing of the prophet day, as the offence taken by Muslims has shown weekness.

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I've got news for you. People in the west DO have thr right to free expression. Get used to it. it'll take more than a few demented religious lunatics threatening to kill people because they dont like them exercising their freedoms.

Are you on the right thread Harleyman?:suspect:

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I didn't object to draw a Mohammed day and in fact when I posted a representative picture of one of our racist's Mum in a compromising position being given one by the cartoon Mohammed and one of Griffin also the links were promptly removed.


I took part in it by photoshoping a picture of a fairly frightening looking woman onto one of those cartoons circulating


You would have thought so I agree because you presume that image is of Mohammed when in reality none exist.


So there are no images of Mohammed. Right. Got that. So what are the first two posts I quote here all about?

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