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The petulance of atheism

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If everyone is in an afterlife together, it will be rather crowded!

Think of the arguments, unless everyone was magically converted, eternity bickering and playing Top Trumps: Deity edition, some paradise!

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What's the Buddhist take on atheism? Many people believe in their own personal deity, this seems to give them a degree of comfort. Others believe in a total lack of all powerful life giving beings. I personally have decided to wait and see, once I am dead, either I won't live to regret it, or death will fail to grant me oblivion and a newer ethereal challenge will be waiting, answering to whichever deity has inspired the relevent throng. Maybe the God thing, as fancied by many flavours of christian, or quite possibly a Buddha with a dexion obsession. When it comes to belief in the afterlife there does seem to be a lot of choice.

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Do some atheists suffer the same overly ****-sure symptoms as some religious folk?


I think only the loud and proud atheists do, where some are quite vocally devout. I find agnostics the most polite and reasonable in a fence-sitter kind of way.




Is atheism the new topic not to be discussed at the dinner table?
I suppose that would depend on the host and the company. I'm sure I read somewhere once that pomp and ceremony meant little to children and angels.
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The fact there is a discrepancy indicates different G/gods.


It doesn't indicate different God/s though does it? Especially as the Tanakh forms an integral part of the Christian Bible. God and Jehoveh appear to be the same 'person'. That's before we move into the world of the other major Abrahamic religion.


I am finding it impossible to have a discussion with someone who flatly contradicts everything that is said and regretfully I feel I will have to bow out.


Grahame, my position is very clear. Prove your God exists in a form other than one which is based on faith, and I'll happily give way.


I don't deny your faith, and in fact I celebrate that you find such solace in it. I'm not flatly contradicting everything you've said, but asking for you to prove what you say is true. The reason being that you unerringly argue against everything we know.

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I think we should respect whatever the person belief's in.. and I myself consider to be a little bit atheist or depending on what i belief but surely I do have a faith on my own.. and a mind to think also.

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What's the Buddhist take on atheism? Many people believe in their own personal deity, this seems to give them a degree of comfort. Others believe in a total lack of all powerful life giving beings. I personally have decided to wait and see, once I am dead, either I won't live to regret it, or death will fail to grant me oblivion and a newer ethereal challenge will be waiting, answering to whichever deity has inspired the relevent throng. Maybe the God thing, as fancied by many flavours of christian, or quite possibly a Buddha with a dexion obsession. When it comes to belief in the afterlife there does seem to be a lot of choice.


Buddhism is compatible with both atheism and a belief in God.


When asked whether or not God existed, the Buddha replied that 'it is irrelevant' (to the metter of buddhism which is focused on the issue of suffering and it's reduction/elimination).


The Buddha also made it very clear that he himself was a man, not a deity.

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It doesn't indicate different God/s though does it? Especially as the Tanakh forms an integral part of the Christian Bible. God and Jehoveh appear to be the same 'person'. That's before we move into the world of the other major Abrahamic religion.


Grahame, my position is very clear. Prove your God exists in a form other than one which is based on faith, and I'll happily give way.


I don't deny your faith, and in fact I celebrate that you find such solace in it. I'm not flatly contradicting everything you've said, but asking for you to prove what you say is true. The reason being that you unerringly argue against everything we know.


Jehovah means God who is worshipped by both Jews and Christians. However in the Old Testament the Jews worshipped other gods who were false so when we study the Old Testament we need to be able to distinguish the true God from the false gods and of course because of this the Jews have not always worshipped the Christian God.


"There is, therefore, no doubt that Jewish monotheism was preceded by a period of idolatry; the only problem is that which concerns the nature of the cults (comp. the articles Adrammelech; Anammelech; Asherah; Ass-Worship; Astarte Worship Among the Hebrews; Atargatis; Ba'al and Ba'al-Worship; Baal-peor; Baal-zebub; Baal-zephon; Bamah; Calf, Golden; Calf-Worship; Chemosh; Dagon; High Place; Moloch; Star-Worship; Stone and Stone-Worship; Tammuz; Teraphim; and Witchcraft)."


Read more: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=287&letter=W&search=idol%20worship#ixzz0pbfiMKcW



Christ did enough to satisfy me of his divinity and He is my witness.

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