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The petulance of atheism

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It's not the petulance of athiesm (and theism) that bothes me but their sheer arrogance. Why can't they just admit that they are stating their beliefs rather than positing them as absolute and incotrovertable fact!?

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Evidence for evolution doesn't disprove the existence of a god. You can't disprove things generally, negative proofs are hard to come by.

The evidence for evolution can disprove the existence of certain gods, the gods whose mythologies make hard claims about how life came to be which contradicts that evidence. This is of course why some Christians for example expend so much time and energy attacking biology, geology, cosmology...


More sophisticated/less honest Christians avoid this denial of science by redefining their god as they go along regardless of what the bible says.

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I think that probably just proves that they mythology is incorrect. It doesn't disprove the existence of their god.

But aren't gods inextricably tied up with their mythology? Take away the mythology and what's left?


During the Northern Crusades for example on numerous occasions Christian missionaries graphically disproved the existence of specific local gods by learning about their mythology and then when possible setting out to disprove it. Often by cutting down the sacred tree/grove... that the god/s were said to reside in by their mythology.

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It's not the petulance of athiesm (and theism) that bothes me but their sheer arrogance. Why can't they just admit that they are stating their beliefs rather than positing them as absolute and incotrovertable fact!?


Theist: "There is a God. He loves me. I pray to him. He agrees with my views on homosexuality. When I die I will go to heaven, whilst the unbelivers will go to hell."


Atheist: "Have you any evidence for that?"


Jeesh, those atheists are so arrogant aren't they?



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Dawkins is only going to "indoctrinate" youth with the ability to think clearly and rationally. Would you argue against this?


Depends if he's gonna let people make their own minds up without insulting their personnal beliefs .... if he can do that .... fantastic!!!!! :)

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