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The petulance of atheism

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An atheist asserts there is no god. A believer has to assert not only that there is a god but their god is the 'one true god'. Now that is self-righteous.


That's a false statement, which sadly suggests that you have a fixed mind on the subject and are unwilling to consider the possibilty that others may hold contrary views.


Why false? The 'one true God' bit; I've believed at various times in my life and never falt the need the need to assert that there was one true God - and I'm sure I'm not the only person ever to have held such a view.

The followers of polytheistic faiths must run into the millions for starters.

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Who, apart from Jobee (who I suspect is a robot anyway) fits into the "there absolutely isn't a god and if you say there is you are wrong / deranged / insane / dangerous." category?


Because I can't think of anyone.


There are several posters whose level of antagonism towards believers can certainly come across as aggressive and who do indeed imply that belief in a God is akin to insanity.

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Do some atheists suffer the same overly ****-sure symptoms as some religious folk?


Is atheism the new topic not to be discussed at the dinner table?


Being an atheist myself, I would say yes. There are a number of snooty, "I’m better then you" types who are atheists. Their derision for those of (religious) faith is no different to the indoctrinated opinions of some hard-line religious types.


Personally, I hate religion, but I respect the positive aspects of it on our country over the last few thousand years. I also respect people’s right to choice, but what I hate more are those who would impose their views on me.

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That's a false statement, which sadly suggests that you have a fixed mind on the subject and are unwilling to consider the possibilty that others may hold contrary views.


Why false? The 'one true God' bit; I've believed at various times in my life and never falt the need the need to assert that there was one true God - and I'm sure I'm not the only person ever to have held such a view.

The followers of polytheistic faiths must run into the millions for starters.


You are right. I was generalising. A lot of people do go to extreme lengths to defend their god against others however, like they are protecting a friend from gossip or lies. My mind is fixed in very little apart from the absurdity of gods.

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The point being that they acknowledge that there is no proof either way.


OK, who created god?


Quite possibly.


A circular argument, self reinforcing, nice. Makes no sense ofcourse, but if it makes you happy.


Magilla, did you notice my avatar by any chance? Seen it anywhere before?

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God gives atheists a reason for living.

No God = No Atheist.


That's assuming that a person defines themselves and their existence by just one tiny aspect of their worldview.


(HINT: They don't).


Anyway, surely the equation should read.


No God = Lots of Atheists.


God = No Atheist


If it were conclusively proved tomorrow that there was no god, would the people who already believe that there is no god give a fig?


I wouldn't.

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