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Mum who has children just to claim £20,000 benefits.

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I'm shocked....regular beauty treatments :o


What a waste of money. They obviously haven't worked:


She said: “...I asked male friends if they’d get me pregnant, but they ran a mile.
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There is always one bad apple - and always those quick to jump on the bandwagon of generalization (just like that).

Not everyone with a family who is on benefits is afraid of work. There are a lot of single mums out there doing part time or full time work where they can get it who would be appalled by this.

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And her benefits are still getting paid????


Maybe my mate Davick Clegaroon will plug this hole of Spondger Mums (no pun intended) and there's alot of more of them that need to get off their backs and get a proper job!


Well said me old love, well said. It is well known that Nick Clegg has contempt for those who sponge off 'the taxpayer'.*




*all taxes are paid by Mr Horace Wiggle, 16 Gallows Drive, Bridgend, Wales (ie the taxpayer

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50p a week worse off? WOW! Ill give her the 50p a bloody week for her to get up off her backside (or should that be back!?). Im sorry but what a slag. As if you admit you sleep with men to get you pregnant, then again, as if you do it in the first place! Id love another baby, im broody as hell, but I still take my pill each day because we cant afford another child until im in fulltime employment (I have 3 years of college to get through first) Benefits are a fallback, in an emergency, theyre the last resort not a choice. But sadly some people grow up, and cant wait to claim :gag:

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There is always one bad apple - and always those quick to jump on the bandwagon of generalization (just like that).

Not everyone with a family who is on benefits is afraid of work. There are a lot of single mums out there doing part time or full time work where they can get it who would be appalled by this.



Could not agree more, What is more sickening is those who are in A STEADY JOB think they have some sort of supieriority over those who do not work. I was forced to quit my job a few weeks ago and have been frantically looking for work since, it is a hell of a lot harder than SOME people think.

Thankfully, i do not need to claim benefits just yet but i would hate to think there are people out there who can have such vile views on non working people just because there are a select few who abuse the system.

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