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Mum who has children just to claim £20,000 benefits.

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people like her really annoy me :/ when my hubby got made redundant we really struggled to get help from the government even after working and paying taxes all his life there was no help as you would expect us to recieve. We ended up turning to our family for help so thank god we had them because we would not have managed without them. You dont mind if its genuine but she really is just a money grabber who doesnt deserve it............

rant over lol :)

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Good on her, shes just playing the system and exploiting it in her favour. Can't really fault her, and don't lie. Most of you would do the same given half the chance.


Well only approximately 50% of us could do it. Are you saying most women are like this one?


I do hope not.

With her moral attitude she would not be allowed to foster or adopt children, yet she will go and have sex with any male apparently; just to get pregnant.


She says, according to the story, that she loves being pregnant, she feels better blah blah. She makes no mention of caring for the children; nor how they will be treated by people now knowing their background.


And there is nothing we can do about it.

It does make you think though... how does a journalist get hold of a story like this, I wonder if said journo was male with blue eyes?

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Page 3 girl, Lambrina says, "I can't believe this woman can whore herself out to the benefits system, she should have more respect and get a job like the rest of us. I get my tits out for the lads and I don't get half as much money as her! (Hold on a minute?)".

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Page 3 girl, Lambrina says, "I can't believe this woman can whore herself out to the benefits system, she should have more respect and get a job like the rest of us. I get my tits out for the lads and I don't get half as much money as her! (Hold on a minute?)".



:hihi: :hihi:

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It sounds like an exaggerated story just to wind people up. The best thing you can do is refuse to play the game.


Exactly the same story and photo is running in Closer magazine this week, wonder how much she got paid for that - and did she declare it :suspect:

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Well said me old love, well said. It is well known that Nick Clegg has contempt for those who sponge off 'the taxpayer'.*




*all taxes are paid by Mr Horace Wiggle, 16 Gallows Drive, Bridgend, Wales (ie the taxpayer


You are right. No one spongers of the taxpayer more than politicians. Take Cameron for instance, a multi millionnaire who now takes two hundred thousand a year of tax payers money as a salary. Its people like this who are the real cheats. But people fall into the trap of believing nonsense in the gutter press.

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Could not agree more, What is more sickening is those who are in A STEADY JOB think they have some sort of supieriority over those who do not work. I was forced to quit my job a few weeks ago and have been frantically looking for work since, it is a hell of a lot harder than SOME people think.

Thankfully, i do not need to claim benefits just yet but i would hate to think there are people out there who can have such vile views on non working people just because there are a select few who abuse the system.

My bold


Don't be so bloody daft! Get yourself down the Jobcentre and start claiming what you are entitled to. Don't let the "all unemployed people are spongers" idiots put you off.


With the current unemployment levels, it may be longer than you think until you can find something, and there's no point at all (except false pride) in not claiming benefits immediately.


I despise the people who make a career out of avoiding work, whether it's by claiming Jobseekers or Incapacity Benefit - but I despise equally those who categorise everybody who does as "scroungers"!

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