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Mum who has children just to claim £20,000 benefits.

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My bold


Don't be so bloody daft! Get yourself down the Jobcentre and start claiming what you are entitled to. Don't let the "all unemployed people are spongers" idiots put you off.


With the current unemployment levels, it may be longer than you think until you can find something, and there's no point at all (except false pride) in not claiming benefits immediately.


I despise the people who make a career out of avoiding work, whether it's by claiming Jobseekers or Incapacity Benefit - but I despise equally those who categorise everybody who does as "scroungers"!


Some people have too much personal pride to accept state handouts. We should applaud them for their principles rather invite them to join the other snouts in the trough..

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Yet again the thread title does not reflect the story.


She claims she sleeps around because she is “addicted” to being pregnant and is desperate for four more children.


I think she has a psychological problem if she's addicted to being pregnant, nowhere does the story mention that she has babies just to claim benefits.


Telling the truth behind her problems wouldn't sell papers to the hard of empathy though, would it?

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Some people have too much personal pride to accept state handouts. We should applaud them for their principles rather invite them to join the other snouts in the trough..


If somebody has paid into the system, then it's no more a "handout" to accept the benefits they're entitled to than it would be to claim from an insurance policy.


And they should have enough common sense not be put off claiming just because of idiots who refer to claimants as having their snouts in a trough.

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Lol she is in for a right shock when the tories hit the benefit system, all those kids and pittance to bring them up on.


She will be allowed to continue to prove a point for deeper cuts of the welfare system, that or her mission is over and she is being debriefed (what a nasty thought).


Would the paper not get into trouble for not giving the dwp information about benefit fraud?....

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Lol she is in for a right shock when the tories hit the benefit system, all those kids and pittance to bring them up on.


She will be allowed to continue to prove a point for deeper cuts of the welfare system, that or her mission is over and she is being debriefed (what a nasty thought).


Would the paper not get into trouble for not giving the dwp information about benefit fraud?....


Not really because like any story in the Daily Star it belongs more to fiction than fact.

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It sounds like an exaggerated story just to wind people up. The best thing you can do is refuse to play the game.


Dead right. The gutter press (Sun/Mail/Express/Star) are always running stupid stories like this and people are still falling for it.

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Can't blame her, blame the system!


Cue Cameron & Clegg. I don't care if they hack the benefit system to bits. When I got made redundant after 18 years I got bugger all out of the system......so if I couldn't get bugger all then, I'll probably get bugger all after they do their hatchet job. Bring it on & get these serial scroungers off their arse....& backs!


The welfare state was invented to help those down on their luck...not to provide a way of life!

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And her benefits are still getting paid????


Maybe my mate Davick Clegaroon will plug this hole of Spondger Mums (no pun intended) and there's alot of more of them that need to get off their backs and get a proper job!


Nah - the tories invented trash like this...

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