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Would you date a very obese person?

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No i wouldn't, i have nothing against people of the larger status but it would immediately suggest to me that they don't really care that much about their health or their wellbeing which for me is a no-no.


(of course they could have an underlying medical condition which could explain it- but at a glance you dont know that do you)


i can say from experience that it can be challenging when you are in a relationship with a person of size.

its not always the case that they are just greedy and lazy...my ex who was 32 stone was not a big eater but her weight was thyroid related.

and of course at the end of the day when you get into bed and if one is bigger than the other then it means you get less spare to relax and sleep which i would imagine could cause tension and arguments etc.

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the answer to your question is a no for me. Not that i have anything against obese people but i don't find fat attractive and nor do i want to touch flesh jiggling... without wanting to be rude or offensive to anyone . Just not my cup of tea :)

thats fair enough and i can understand why you feel that way.

for example if you went into a resturaunt and you ordered some food and they brought it to you and the plate was overflowing with food and spilling onto the floor...it would put you off wouldn't it?

likewise a person that has too much body flesh can equally put some people off...it can be too much to deal with like a plate of food that has too much on it.

but i'm glad you mentioned that you would not be rude about it...afterall being rude can be offensive and puts people off...and hurts people's feelings.

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but i don't find fat attractive and nor do i want to touch flesh jiggling..


are you telling me you don't like boobs? jiggling is good my brother!;)


As for the OP I'd say yes, but they'd have to be totally awesome in other ways.

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Personally, probably not. Fat, overweight, yes, 'very obese', I dont think I would. But I dont think I'd be honest with them I'd probably just politely turn down any advances.

again i think i can understand...fat..overweight...is managable...but very obese...now thats alot to manage...but lets say the lady(i assume you are male?) took your rejection to heart and started to cry and say its because of her size why you turned her down...how would you feel?

you surely wouldn't say ok i'll meet you next friday just to make her feel better?

in that sense i think it takes courage to be honest as to why you are not interested?

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I couldnt cope with the smell of mango chutney during the summertime.


i dont get what you mean aj?


are you referring to body odor?

when you are big i think it does make you sweat more and of course the more you sweat the more your clothes begin to smell rather whiffy:suspect:


when my ex used to visit me she was always sweating...but she never "smelled"

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No I am female. How would I feel? Awful...however...I know its not right but there isn’t a scenario I can picture where I would ever, ever tell anyone I didn’t want to go out with them because of how they looked. I know its best to be honest but I can’t see myself doing it - you're right, I'm a coward!! I’d make up an excuse and say no of course its not your weight.

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