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Going back in time..

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people have at one time or another imagined what it would be like to travel back to any period of time?


if it were possible

what period of time would you choose to go back to and why?


i would like to go back to the tudor period or during the time when samuel pepys etc was alive and see what life was really like?

can you imagine what it must of been like for poor people during those times?

i would also like to go back to the time of rome and go to the circus maximus and see what it was like?

i would also love to go back to the time when jesus was on the earth and meet him and see what he looked liked and talked like?

i would also love to go back to the time when moses lead the israilites (sorry about my spelling mistakes) out of eygpt and to see when they were lead through the red sea

that must of been awe inspiring to see!

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I would just like to go back to the time of being born in 1959 to the same parents, as they have both passed away now, then I could have gone through life telling my parents how much I love them and respect them and thank them for all they have done for me

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I'd like to see famous battles such as the Normans and Saxons at Hastings, Wellington and Napoleon at Waterloo, Gettysburg, Custers Last stand and then find out who the Mona Lisa really was and why she had that mysterious smile on her face. Round out the time travel trip by spending a week in 1890s Paris sampling the Fin de Siecle lifestyle and finishing up in my favourite pub back in 1964 and drinking beer for two bob a pint.

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I would just like to go back to the time of being born in 1959 to the same parents, as they have both passed away now, then I could have gone through life telling my parents how much I love them and respect them and thank them for all they have done for me


I like that. I've often wished I could go back and be an observer of my own birth and early childhood to gain a better understanding of my mum and dad in early parenthood.


Failing that, I'd go back to the Pleistocene period because I used to love making little clay models.

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I'd go back to my childhood, kick ten shades of crap out of my mothers first husband. Tell my mum everything will be ok and that she should divorce the abusive scumbag sooner than later. Inform my younger self that I'm not a punchbag for him and not worthless. that I should stand up for myself more.

Trouble is that may cause a paradox, thus negating the reason for me to go back in time, unless of course the time stream splits and another dimension is created.

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