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When did you last use the f word?

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i did this morning

its silly really but it was my way of letting out steam.

what it was was my neighbour downstairs has this habit of dragging her chair across the floor and it tends to start from around5.30am onwards...well this morning she did it really loudly and i cried out loudly for effs sake!

then it fell silent...and i felt really bad afterwards...i'm not sure if she heard me swear?

but she is aware that her habit of dragging the chair gets on my nerves...ive asked her several times to stop it but to no avail...anyway as i said i felt really bad after...wishing i had not sworn even though it was because i'm tired of hearing that noise.

my ex used to advise me to put on the tv or music to drown out the sound...ive have tried that but then i find that i can still hear it...then the kids downstairs start running up and down the stairs shouting and screaming and slamming doors....oh it can be hell living here at times!

i think part of the problem is is there is little or no sound proofing material between the walls and floors so i can be in my bed and hear someone flusing their toilet downstairs...the flats i used to live in(not sure if you heard of chalkhill estate?)

well it was an old council estate that was built in 1967...at the time it was considered to be something special...you needed approval to live there it was that exclusive.

well by the time i moved into one of the flats in 1989...it was far from exclusive...broken security doors...grafifti everywhere...a typical rundown council estate...complete with mice...and a never supply of coackroaches...to say it was horrible living there was a understatement...and to add to the torment, i then became familiar with now torments me everyday...the chair dragging...but it was worse there.

the amount of arguments and near fights i had with my neighbours next door and below was unbeliveable!

one night my neighbour came storming up in a rage and literally kicked my front door in!

i was standing behind it stopping it from falling door on me.

when the police came he just denied it and said he had been in bed asleep...nothing was done...when i finally left the old chalkhill estate in december 2000 it felt like i was leaving hell and going into paradise!

it would be now 10 years on if only the chair dragging would stop!

whats your homes or neighbours from hell stories?

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