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Teenagers attack air ambulance

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I hope the baby was ok - if not, would they be held responsible for Manslaughter?


Come on, taking responsibility for your own actions is sooooo last century.


It's always someone else's fault. Blame boredom, blame Maggie, blame alcohol, the hot weather, blame anything and anyone but yourself for what you do.


Find a scapegoat!

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They usually do behave like that, which is why there are warnings in all safari parks that when entering the monkey/chimp enclosure, you do so at your own risk and the park won't be liable for damage to your car.


Chimps don't understand that machinery can be important; they just like pulling things to bits to see what they are made of. If they could be made to understand the significance, almost certainly they wouldn't behave like this.


So the question that arises is: do these types of youth not understand the potential consequences of their acts (in which case, someone's responsible for educating them so appallingly badly, but you can hardly blame the youths themselves); or do they understand but not care?


No I meant they wouldn't attack an ambulance knowing what it was there for. The chavs know what they are doing and know it could kill someone. The fact is they don't care. That is what I meant by chimps don't behave like that.

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No I meant they wouldn't attack an ambulance knowing what it was there for. The chavs know what they are doing and know it could kill someone. The fact is they don't care. That is what I meant by chimps don't behave like that.


On that count yes, you're right. However I'm not so sure that the youths always do know what they're doing (in general cases of this type, if not this specific one.)


We have a generation of people who were raised by parents who themselves were raised to believe that nothing matters except their own personal life. How much is the second generation to be blamed because the first generation knew nothing about how to teach personal responsibility?


More importantly - much more importantly - how do we fix this problem? I wish I had the answer to that one.

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They should be put in the army and made to fight in the middle east.


We have youths who are willing to smash up an air ambulance and put people's lives at risk just because they think it might be fun, and you want to put rifles in their hands and stand them next to our soldiers?


I really don't think that's such a good idea. It's bad enough our soldiers are getting killed by the enemy, I don't want to see them being shot at by kids on their own side who think it might be fun to see what happens when someone has his brains blown out at close range.

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Neighbourhood watch..a complete waste of time ,all they can do is report to the police who then proceed to file it under pending,they will then arrest some idiot who will agree to have them weighed off as T I C's in return for no opposition to bail......................Unless of course the watch takes matters into their own hands...but that's illegal and they will ,if caught probably get a suspended sentence...only for a week of course and then they will be hanged,because of course you cant have people interfering with others human rights can you ?

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We have youths who are willing to smash up an air ambulance and put people's lives at risk just because they think it might be fun, and you want to put rifles in their hands and stand them next to our soldiers?




Well how about sending them to fight without arming them then? :hihi:

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Respect for nothing , well done Maggie Thatcher


I just stubbed my toe on my office pedestal. I think I'm going to blame Maggie for that too. If it hadn't been for her I suspect my employer would have gone bust years ago so I wouldn't be in my office - gainfully employed - and in a position to stub my toe in the first place.


Can anyone think of a more tenacious thing to blame Maggie for?

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