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Teenagers attack air ambulance

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Come on, taking responsibility for your own actions is sooooo last century.


It's always someone else's fault. Blame boredom, blame Maggie, blame alcohol, the hot weather, blame anything and anyone but yourself for what you do.


Find a scapegoat!


Don't forget the usual excuse of the apologists.....they're young, they don't know what they're doing. :roll:

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On that count yes, you're right. However I'm not so sure that the youths always do know what they're doing (in general cases of this type, if not this specific one.)


We have a generation of people who were raised by parents who themselves were raised to believe that nothing matters except their own personal life. How much is the second generation to be blamed because the first generation knew nothing about how to teach personal responsibility?


More importantly - much more importantly - how do we fix this problem? I wish I had the answer to that one.


Cat'o nine tails in the town square would be a start.

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More importantly - much more importantly - how do we fix this problem? I wish I had the answer to that one.


long harsh prison sentences , chain gangs , locked in their cell with just a bucket for a toilet ,and feed them bread and water .


lets stop letting criminals retain their human rights ,and start treating them as they should be treated ........... LIKE CRIMINALS

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long harsh prison sentences , chain gangs , locked in their cell with just a bucket for a toilet ,and feed them bread and water .


lets stop letting criminals retain their human rights ,and start treating them as they should be treated ........... LIKE CRIMINALS


:hihi: You haven't changed.

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long harsh prison sentences , chain gangs , locked in their cell with just a bucket for a toilet ,and feed them bread and water .


lets stop letting criminals retain their human rights ,and start treating them as they should be treated ........... LIKE CRIMINALS


Can we have an example or two of non-human criminals, please

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