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Skegness-ingoldmells etc

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Monsieur Phil is amusing himself greatly.


Its pointless slagging off skeggy, it is what it is, a proper british seaside resort, it has good bits and bad bits and there are some people there who may not be your cup of tea but everytime i've been i've had a good time. I've not learnt anything or been culturally enriched but so what? Sometimes its fine to release your inner slob for a while


Do you know why you had such a good time?




Because the OP wasnt there. :D

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Some funny responses.......


What i dont understand is why people are drawn to such a place, they think seaside holiday and they only think "skegness".


But its best that the sort of people that visit these places are kept thereand not allowed to spoil much more beutiful and quiet coast line.


You can tell when its holiday season in sheffield, the council estates empty and they go to skegness. Personally id rather boil my head in oil...


I wish you would.

Whilst you are looking down your nose at others, and avoiding Skegness, it will give you time to perfect your spelling and grammar - if you are going to be a snob, you should look like one.

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God there is some tripe posted on here at times. In fact, 99.9% of it seems to be tripe!!!


Some people really do need to get a life and get out more... So just because I like going to SkegVegas, I'm automatically judged as been a "Chav." Nice to know I suppose.

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Do you know why you had such a good time?




Because the OP wasnt there. :D


he was proberly sat on an empty excuse of a beach tucked away in the middle of no where wearing his socks and sandles with his 'roy cropper' style handbag, a hankie on his head and a flask of tinny tasting tea,


give me skeggy any day :thumbsup:

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I :love: Skegness, I have been ever since I was a child, it holds some lovely family memories of when me and my brother (my uncle but more like my brother) were kids and we went with my nan and granddad and my great grandma (R.I.P) so sorry if that makes me a 'chav' you stupid jumped up ignorant bugger.... in fact chuff it I'm not sorry, I like what I like. If going to skegness makes me a chav then so what... like I care what a jumped up little bored troll thinks who is sat at the other side of a computer screen and probably if he saw a few of the forum members in real life wouldn't say anything to them. Get back under your bridge :).

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I am glad these places exist as they act like a fly trap, attracting all the chavy elements who seem to be attracted to such a tacky place.


It keeps them away from some lovely unspoilt coastline.


So if your of the cheap, council estate, heffalump type then please keep going to skegness !!


i thought you would like it there with all the rabbits to kill or are you scared of getting cought knob head

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Oh come of it!!


What person who has what you may term class/taste want to end up in "skegness" for a holiday....!


not got many pals have you phil i agree with all of them all yuo want to do is pick a rowe and pull people down grow up oh sorry you are your an op

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