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Strange Dreams..

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Genuine question here DragonofAna... How exactly do you and the so-called 'experts' actually know what dreams mean? I know there is plenty of literature available regarding the translation of dreams, but I have often wondered how people can be so confident they understand the meanings of certain dreams, when they can't ever really know for sure.


The so called experts work by guessing based upon what other people have told of their dreams and then what those people have said happened in their lives. Some work on symbology - so a spider in your dream means good fortune apparently.


No-one can know for sure what a dream means, but I believe they are generally messages from the subconscious relating to some action or inaction, hope or desire that is taking place in a person's life.


The mind uses images to try to get across something that should be taken into account, but dreams are often ignored as nothing more than fantasy.

Perhaps they are just that.

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the other night, I was in a jungle enclosed in a zoo like enclosure with lots of young cats and kittens running around (clean ones, not manky stray ones). there were also snakes. i watched a blue and white snake bite some kittens, killing them instantly, then it saw me watching and bit me too. While I was waiting to die, I asked it why is was biting things for the sake of it. It replied 'thats just what I do'. As it went over to kill and swallow a kitten with a broken back, I asked why it didn't just kill what it needed to eat? it said 'thats NOT what I do' . I stated that I wasn't dead yet, and it bit me again, only I realised one of its fangs was broken.


anyone care to analyse this? :)


If it was a geniune dream - and often people see these threads and just make something up in order to take the michael out of anyone who comes up with a translation - then yeah - it would have a meaning.

Lots of things depend upon your circumstances. If you are a parent it could be stress about kids leaving home. Could be problems in a relationship.


Snakes, according to some, are concerned with knowledge - probably taken from the bible story of the serpent in the tree in Eden. The fact these snakes (knowledge) are killing defenceless kittens which still have much to learn could suggest problems with education.


Possibly none of these things. Dreams are relative to your situation so it is difficult for anyone to do more than guess - unless they know something about you as a person. That does not mean dreams are any easier to translate because someone knows you - just that they can be made more specific rather than covering the wide range of meanings possible.

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I would say that your dream was you subconsciously worrying about the consequences of something you did or didn't do. Most of us do, but this was something you feel could have serious results. The rails suggest something that has been set in motion for a long time so perhaps a change of some sort in your life that could cause upset.


I know you did not ask for a translation, but I love doing these puzzles almost as much as sudoku.


I also never have unwanted, unexpected, untranslatable dreams.

Would not mind a nightmare once in a while but haven't had one of those for a very very long time.


Interesting translation. I often have "unwanted, unexpected, untranslatable" dreams. I also dream in colour.

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I just wish I could remember my dreams or nightmares, I think I remember one every 2 or 3 months, and that's only for a few minutes when I'm first waking up..



Same here - the only time I remember a dream is if I'm woken in the middle of it, but even then the memory is gone after a few minutes.

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Right - first off - I am not saying this is - just suggesting that it could be true -


Perhaps dreams and nightmares are a way for the mind to deal with issues, or to bring to the surface things the subconscious thinks should be addressed but are getting swept under the proverbial carpet. We all have things that worry us through day to day, but some things play on the mind, repeating over and over because they are being ignored.


If - and I repeat 'if' this is anywhere near the mark, then recognising dreams and understanding them - even if the translations only come vaguely close - could be a way for us to be aware that these problems are more than they appear, and should not just be shrugged off.


Have a notepad by your bed. When you wake up, scribble as much as you can remember of your dream. After a while you will remember more and more of them. Though you may not understand what the dreams make - just by allowing the conscious mind to process the information could help.


Of course - dreams and nightmares may be nothing more than dreams and nightmares.

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My Mum once told me she'd had a dream where she was being chased round the room by a giant banana. I don't think Freud would have had much trouble with her.


He may have suggested a father fixation :hihi:


Dream probably means she was worried about her diet :D

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I have the same dream quite a lot where i am running and know that where i am running to is not safe but behind me is a man with a gun and he his taking pot shots at me, one of which hits my son and he falls to the floor. I know that to stop running will cost me my life but to keep running will cost my son his life too.

I stop running a throw myself onto top of my son to shield him from the gunshot which i am sure will kill him but instead nothing happens, i eventually turn to face my attacker and he is laughing but his whole eyes are white, the pupils and everything. I stand to face him with the intention of killing him but he stabs my right thigh and everything goes black.:(

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