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Strange Dreams..

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my sister believes that you have a life line drawn out for you. You were born with free will, so you can wonder wherever you like and do whatever you want.


When you experience something like this, she says it is when your wanderings take you back to your path and you are where you are supposed to be.


How interesting this idea is. Thats made me think now.:suspect:

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How interesting this idea is. Thats made me think now.:suspect:


You will be looking for hairs on the palm's of your hand's next Patty :D:D


If I published my dream's I dont think my liberty would very safe so I'm keeping schtum... ;)

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You will be looking for hairs on the palm's of your hand's next Patty :D:D


If I published my dream's I dont think my liberty would very safe so I'm keeping schtum... ;)


I know how you feel. I dreamt I was chasing George Clooney. I caught him but somebody had chopped both my hands off .:(

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yes, it was a genuine dream. I've had vivid dreams since I was young. I used to keep a dream diary, so I've trained myself to remember them when I wake up. It is unusual if I wake up in the morning and cant remember a dream.


I'm very much the same - my dreams are incredibly vivid and I always write them down when I wake up (I'll usually just jot down a few notes so I don't forget it and then I write it out properly when I have time to do so).


It's quite rare that I'll have realistic dreams about feasible situations - I ordinarily dream about crazy situations and stupid stuff like talking animals and made up creatures, and the scenery is usually pretty bizarre - I think my unconscious mind is channeling Dalí much of the time. :hihi:

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I'm very much the same - my dreams are incredibly vivid and I always write them down when I wake up (I'll usually just jot down a few notes so I don't forget it and then I write it out properly when I have time to do so).


It's quite rare that I'll have realistic dreams about feasible situations - I ordinarily dream about crazy situations and stupid stuff like talking animals and made up creatures, and the scenery is usually pretty bizarre - I think my unconscious mind is channeling Dalí much of the time. :hihi:


I have everything from the real to the unreal.


This morning I awoke to the warble of Australian Magpies. I love waking up to that sound!!

Then I actually woke up for real and remembered that I am not in Aus.

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I dream of witnessing plane and helicopter crashes frequently.


I am always on the ground looking up at an aircraft which has usually just taken off. I know immediately that it is going to crash and within seconds I can hear the engines struggling or cutting out and the aircraft beginning to come crashing down.


I never run for my life in these dreams but am aware that debris will no doubt come my way so slowly move away. In every instance, I say to myself that finally, as predicted, I have witnessed a plane or helicopter crashing. I am convinced that the dream is indeed, real but luckily I find myself waking and realising it was just another dream about another aircraft crashing.

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Hi DragonofAna,

Could you help me with mine please?


I often dream that i'm late or I can't get to where I'm trying to get too before I wake up! These dreams seem to come and go, for example, i'll have several of these type of dreams in a short space of time like over a couple of weeks, then none for ages, then they'll start again!


Each one is a different dream but i'm normally trying to get to work (sometimes other places like to meet a friend etc) but someone or something is delaying me and time seems to go quickly, one minute I check the time and i'll probably just make it, the next I check the time and i'm about an hour late!

What's that all about????!!!!:confused:


Hesitancy - probably not caused through you. A feeling that you really are worried you may let someone down perhaps. Are you trying to do too many things for too many people? Trying to be there for someone in a problem situation but feel that everytime you think about how you can help them they have already passed that point, leaving you feeling a bit dejected.


I would say that this dream suggests you are in a position you would like to change but feel that others rely on you to not change - so you hold back. Maybe you should take the plunge and actually change whatever it is about yourself others are worried will change you and stop you being the person they know and possibly use.

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I had an odd dream, the other night...


I was dreaming that I was in a library, and there was a shed-load of kiddies, in there, playing, happily. We were all having a brilliant time, (I seemed to feel I was the teacher, librarian or other person in charge) the kiddies and I were enjoying the books, and the whole experience of being in the library, and the joy of having these thousands and thousands of books to lose themselves within, and not having to be all quiet, and mouse-like as normally expected in the library.


The kiddies were playing hide-and-seek, and hiding themselves in really bizarre/ silly places, like being able to squeeze into the tiny gap behind the radiators... I was laughing, and feeling really happy, because the children were so obviously having such fun.


Then my alarm went off, and woke me up! :(


Maybe you should take a page out of their book, chill out, and do something really silly, or childish. Let your hair down so to speak and just do whatever ridiculous thing takes your fancy. Does not matter if you regret it for a while after.

I get the image of that advert where the woman's child is throwing a tantrum because it cannot have what it wants, so the woman throws a tantrum as well and the kid shuts up. Perhaps you should try it?

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