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Strange Dreams..

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I dream of witnessing plane and helicopter crashes frequently.


I am always on the ground looking up at an aircraft which has usually just taken off. I know immediately that it is going to crash and within seconds I can hear the engines struggling or cutting out and the aircraft beginning to come crashing down.


I never run for my life in these dreams but am aware that debris will no doubt come my way so slowly move away. In every instance, I say to myself that finally, as predicted, I have witnessed a plane or helicopter crashing. I am convinced that the dream is indeed, real but luckily I find myself waking and realising it was just another dream about another aircraft crashing.


As soon as I read this I saw "worried about demotion", but that does not make sense unless you are a manager or something from which you can be demoted, and it would only be worrying about such - not the actual thing happening. So then I thought - what else would cause this type of dream? I got diddly-squat. The only thing that springs to mind is a feeling of not measuring up, or of failing in some way and having to lower your standards to suit.


Not all dreams are easy to translate, and like I said before - some dreams are just dreams.

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Do u mean a DEJA VU?


Do you believe reincarnation too?

I do have dreams as well and i am not good in translating it but then the above thread starter had really have a strange dream too..


There is a faith that states we live our life to a plan; and that when we reach the end of the plan (death) then we have the opportunity to make some changes to that plan - after which we are reborn in order to play it out.


Think of a book being written by you. The character in your book does this, that and the other, and eventually dies. You do not like some parts of the book but you don't know which bits until you get to the end. You go and change a few chapters, adding events and removing events. When you read the book again, your character follows a slightly different path. You are the writer of the book, and the book is about your life, but you can only make significant edits once you reach the end of the book.

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Hesitancy - probably not caused through you. A feeling that you really are worried you may let someone down perhaps. Are you trying to do too many things for too many people? Trying to be there for someone in a problem situation but feel that everytime you think about how you can help them they have already passed that point, leaving you feeling a bit dejected.


I would say that this dream suggests you are in a position you would like to change but feel that others rely on you to not change - so you hold back. Maybe you should take the plunge and actually change whatever it is about yourself others are worried will change you and stop you being the person they know and possibly use.


Very interesting theory, thank you for taking the time to answer. X

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Dragon, do you have any thoughts on sleep paralysis? I've had it for 20+ years, very typical visions - Feeling awake while experiencing an obsidian-eyed, steel-clawed beast who sits on my chest strangling me while I'm fully aware of my surroundings but can't move so can't fight him off.


Don't want to impose but I've followed this thread and if you have any insight regarding SP I'd love to hear it

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Strange dreams? I have a few hundred...


The last one I remember; there was a world war going on and this woman's husband got enlisted and sent away to fight. The woman was being transported out of the country on an airship as everyone was being evacuated. The country's economy had collapsed and everywhere was being bombed. She had just given birth that day and the baby was put in a futuristic incubator that also had about 50 other newborns in it. On the way they were attacked and the ship lost power. In order to keep flying they had to disconnect the incubator, thus killing all the babies. At that same moment her husband was killed in battle and the woman was left with nothing and no-one. She just wanted to die.


Anyone want to take a shot at interpreting that? :)

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If anyone would care to help I have a recurring dream, I keep dreaming that someone keeps stealing my 6ft gravel board fence and 8ftx6ft galvanised shed.

I've had the dream a handful of times now and it leaves me feeling gutted the following morning.

In the dream I either wake up and the fence and shed has gone/half gone/been ransacked, or in one of the dreams I caught them in the act, and butchered them violently, leaving a bloody mess all over the garden.

What does it all mean?

Thankfully the dream hasn't recurred since I sorted the shed out.

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I have some weird, wonderful and sometimes disturbing dreams... I've forgotten most of them now.

I once dreamt I was eating cat meat, then I realised how horrible it tasted and had to spit it out. But other people around me still kept eating it :confused:

I really don't want to know what that says about my subconscious!

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Dragon, do you have any thoughts on sleep paralysis? I've had it for 20+ years, very typical visions - Feeling awake while experiencing an obsidian-eyed, steel-clawed beast who sits on my chest strangling me while I'm fully aware of my surroundings but can't move so can't fight him off.


Don't want to impose but I've followed this thread and if you have any insight regarding SP I'd love to hear it


Sleep paralysis can be caused by a medical condition as opposed to anything connected with dream states. A surprising number of people have experience of being awake but unable to move for various amounts of time after having woken. The mind can become awake and take a few seconds to reacquire control of the body ;) Your steel clawed beast could be your minds way of dealing with this morning paralysis.


The beast in your dream/wakeful moment suggests that you are expecting another day of the same old same old. Are you caught in a rut? Maybe you should try something different, break something that has become routine - and been a routine for a very long time.

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