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Strange Dreams..

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Strange dreams? I have a few hundred...


The last one I remember; there was a world war going on and this woman's husband got enlisted and sent away to fight. The woman was being transported out of the country on an airship as everyone was being evacuated. The country's economy had collapsed and everywhere was being bombed. She had just given birth that day and the baby was put in a futuristic incubator that also had about 50 other newborns in it. On the way they were attacked and the ship lost power. In order to keep flying they had to disconnect the incubator, thus killing all the babies. At that same moment her husband was killed in battle and the woman was left with nothing and no-one. She just wanted to die.


Anyone want to take a shot at interpreting that? :)


You may be happy to know that dreams about death are rarely indicators of death, or worries about dying. In fact dreams about death hardly ever have anything to do with the topic - which is just one of the minds ways of getting a message across in a way that will have you take note rather than just ignore.


If a complete stranger had told this to me then I would be saying he/she was worried about commitment to a relationship - perhaps questioning whether the other person involved was as dedicated as he/she, and was questioning whether to take the relationship to another level, or whether to accept changes needed to be made in order for a relationship to succeed.


Strangely enough - I would give this regardless of whether a person was single or in a long term relationship or any other kind. It could be that the person who had the dream is relating to previous such partnerships, or wondering about the possible future with someone.


Do you take the risk or back out? It's not a question - more of something for you to take into consideration.

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If anyone would care to help I have a recurring dream, I keep dreaming that someone keeps stealing my 6ft gravel board fence and 8ftx6ft galvanised shed.

I've had the dream a handful of times now and it leaves me feeling gutted the following morning.

In the dream I either wake up and the fence and shed has gone/half gone/been ransacked, or in one of the dreams I caught them in the act, and butchered them violently, leaving a bloody mess all over the garden.

What does it all mean?

Thankfully the dream hasn't recurred since I sorted the shed out.


Answered your own dream question there :hihi::hihi:

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I have some weird, wonderful and sometimes disturbing dreams... I've forgotten most of them now.

I once dreamt I was eating cat meat, then I realised how horrible it tasted and had to spit it out. But other people around me still kept eating it :confused:

I really don't want to know what that says about my subconscious!


It says you feel left out, and that the grass looks greener on the other side, but you don't know how to get to the other side.

Bits of envy perhaps. Feeling left out of the crowd, or the fact that people around you are behaving in a way you cannot stomach like enjoying cat food. :gag:

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Maybe you should take a page out of their book, chill out, and do something really silly, or childish. Let your hair down so to speak and just do whatever ridiculous thing takes your fancy. Does not matter if you regret it for a while after.

I get the image of that advert where the woman's child is throwing a tantrum because it cannot have what it wants, so the woman throws a tantrum as well and the kid shuts up. Perhaps you should try it?


Hehe, you're suggesting that I try throwing a tantrum? hmm... I might just try it.


Since my recent brush with the Chap in the Cloak, carrying a Scythe, (hehe) I had actually decided that I am going to "indulge myself" more.


I've decided Life is too short to hold back on the odd treat/ indulgence...

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Hehe, you're suggesting that I try throwing a tantrum? hmm... I might just try it.


Since my recent brush with the Chap in the Cloak, carrying a Scythe, (hehe) I had actually decided that I am going to "indulge myself" more.


I've decided Life is too short to hold back on the odd treat/ indulgence...


You calm down. the NGH is not a garage you know ;)

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Answered your own dream question there :hihi::hihi:


Yeah I'm not sure which bit answered what though.

Did the dreams stop because I sorted the shed or because I disassembled the thieves back down to core components, who cares, it's nice to have peaceful sleep.


What I would like to ask people is, do you have superpowers in your dreams, the ones where you have control.

And what is your superpower?

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  • 1 year later...

Another one...


Last night I dreamt I was in my apartment, but it was on the ground floor, surrounded by a magical lake, which brought dead people back to life, but they came back as evil versions of themselves. The lake was surrounded by government agents who used these evil reincarnations as their spies and lured people from their homes by sending their once-dead family members and pets to them. The goal was to escape to the other side of the lake without being captured.


Anyone like to interpret that one? ;):hihi:

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Another one...


Last night I dreamt I was in my apartment, but it was on the ground floor, surrounded by a magical lake, which brought dead people back to life, but they came back as evil versions of themselves. The lake was surrounded by government agents who used these evil reincarnations as their spies and lured people from their homes by sending their once-dead family members and pets to them. The goal was to escape to the other side of the lake without being captured.


Anyone like to interpret that one? ;):hihi:


You've been watching too many zombie films :hihi:

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