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Preventitive meds for migraine

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Does anyone take preventitive meds for migraine? If so, what? and do they work? How many types did you try before finding one that works? Any side effects?


I've had chronic migraine for the last 10 or so years, usually at least once or twice a week, and usually being too exhausted to do anything the day after a migraine too.


I've tried a couple of preventitive meds (beta blockers and pizotifen), but neither agreed with me - they both made me feel worse. I take triptans when I get migraines and they usually work eventually - provided I take them at the very first sign of one - but I hate taking them. They've been much worse and more frequent lately. Felt terrible for the last 2/3 weeks, and had migraine mixed with other headaches for 8 days, by the end triptans were no longer working, and only started to feel better yesterday afternoon. But now getting another bloody one :mad: So I want to try preventitive ones again.

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I tried Feverfew, which is a herbal remedy. It *seemed* to work for me, but failed to help a friend of mine with her migraines.


I got mine from Wicker Herbal Stores. It's not very expensive as I recall (I don't get migraines any more), so it's worth trying for say, ...3 months? (1 tablet per day).


Might be worth a try, I'd have tried anything at the time (20 years ago).


Here's an even handed look at Feverfew and migraines (link).

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So sorry to hear about this, I too suffer from them so I know how you feel. It is a shame beta blockers and pizotifen haven't worked. What does your dr say about other meds? I know my dr said there are lots of different things that you can try if beta blocker and pitzotifen don't work so I would ask. Have you tried keeping a diary of what you eat, sleep you are getting etc. and when you get your migraines to see is there is a link.


Sorry I can't be any more help, hope you're doctor can be. What dose of pizotifen and beta blockers were you on? Did you try to the max dose?

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I'll look into the feverfew thing. I'm going to make a doc appt tomorrow anyhow (I did actually have one a couple of weeks ago - turned up to it and the surgery was closed!:huh:)


I've kept a food diary and a diary of when I get them for a few months, but not found any food triggers. But I've found they run on a monthly cycle - usually with me getting them most days for just over a week around my period, then a week migraine-free, then one or two a week for two weeks. I don't know if they'll put me on the pill or not, but I'm sure my doc said that might not be a good idea because I have a family history of strokes at a young age (mum had v bad one at 40 and is still completely paralysed, her mum died of a blood clot, mum's siblings have probs with low blood pressure) - apparently the pill is a bad combination if you have migraine with a family history of stroke. But taking triptans with this is bad too! Plus there's hereditary heart disease on my dad's side lol.


There are various other things that trigger them - too much or not enough sleep. Too much or too little caffiene. Stress, anxiety, doing things quickly (I have to do everything quite slowly - from getting up in the morning to walking, eating, housework, anything! Everything has to be slow).


I did try the max dose of both pizotifen and beta blockers. Thing with both of them was they made me utterly exhausted and fuzzy headed all the time. I've gained nearly 2 stone from taking them too, which I'm struggling to get rid of. The pizotifen was absolutely horrendous, it made me really grumpy and gave me fits of rage (totally unlike me!!). Which is why I've not tried other preventitive meds yet - I'm worried about the side effects after the horrible ones from these.

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Some one said propranalol (excuse spelling) is good. Its a beta blocker - I use then for anxiety but they can be used for migrane too x


That's the one I tried, but didn't help unfortunately, just made me tired, unable to sleep and made me gain weight.

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I have taken amitriptyline, propanolol and topiramate for migraines.


The amitriptyline was horrible. I felt constantly exhausted and it didn't really do a lot for my headaches. However, others have used it with success to treat their migraines, and some find the tiredness becomes more managable with time.


I also did not get on with propanolol.


Topiramate is what I'm taking at the moment. It does have some downsides, such as I get tingling in my hands but I am willing to put up with them as I certainly feel more awake and my migraines have decreased considerably.

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Thanks kayinjapan! I could live with tingly hands, it's just the complete exhaustion that I can't deal with. It's like, without taking preventitive meds, I get a few days a week where I can function, and a few where I can't. But when taking the preventitive ones I can't function at all. With the ones I've tried, a 15 minute walk exhausted me, but normally I'll walk a couple of hours a day without any probs (I have a dog!).


I'm beginning to think it might be taking the triptans that're making them more frequent, as I've only been taking them about 10 months or so and I know taking meds for them can eventually make them worse:roll:.

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