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Government won’t provide minister to Question time

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I wonder what responses this question would've got, had this question been posed 2 months ago?

That is, it was a Labour government who refused to put up a Government minister in response to a Tory spin doctor (e.g. Bernard Ingham or Tim Bell)?

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It's not as if this hasn't happened in the reverse before.

Did anyone kick up a fuss then?


But the government are happy to put a minister (Vince Cable) up against a Labour unelected mouthpiece (Andrew Adonis) on Any Questions tonight, so why are their rules different when its Alastair Campbell? Its just made them look a bit nervous of Campbell, which is quite amusing really

Until 3 weeks ago Andrew Adonis was a Minister of State and still is a member of the House of Lords.



When the BBC invite more journalists onto the QT panel than politicians they have removed their right to moan.

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I wonder what responses this question would've got, had this question been posed 2 months ago?

That is, it was a Labour government who refused to put up a Government minister in response to a Tory spin doctor (e.g. Bernard Ingham or Tim Bell)?


I think we would have expected them to field a shadow minister.

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Until 3 weeks ago Andrew Adonis was a Minister of State and still is a member of the House of Lords.


An unelected mouthpiece, nevertheless. Why are they so spooked by Campbell specifically when they are happy to take on other unelected mouthpieces?

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No, not an unelected mouthpiece, the head of a government ministry. Unelected or not he was a Minister of State. It's not worth repeating a clear and obvious point yet again so I won't.


But I will repeat that the BBC had behind that desk 4 out of 6 people who were political journalists but only invited 1 elected politician.

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And false. The government has made no attempt whatsoever to dictate anything to the BBC.


"According to No 10, a senior member of the cabinet was available to do Question Time but only if Alastair Campbell was replaced by a member of the shadow cabinet."


If thats not dictating, its pretty close.

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An unelected mouthpiece, nevertheless. Why are they so spooked by Campbell specifically when they are happy to take on other unelected mouthpieces?


And provide unelected mouthpieces of their own such as Baroness Varsey. Though why they keep putting her forward is beyonf me - she comes across as hectoring and irritating

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"According to No 10, a senior member of the cabinet was available to do Question Time but only if Alastair Campbell was replaced by a member of the shadow cabinet."


If thats not dictating, its pretty close.


They were putting up David Laws, not a Tory.

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