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Eat, Drink & Be Merry..

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Just been reading in the Weekly Telegraph [ May 19--25 ] about a study carried out by Prof. Nir Barzilai, the director of the Institute of Ageing at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.


The general conclusion of this study was that the main reason behind why we live a long time ......or pop off early.....is in our genes. The good Prof. studied 500 Jewish people, aged between 95 and 112 [ ! ]. 30 % of them had smoked till the age of 95 ! Some were obese, others had high cholestral.......etc......This confirms my own experience......smoked and drunk beer since the age of about 14 or 15, only been in hospital once [ fistula ] and still working after retirement age.


It 's the same when one reads the obituary pages. People have lived through horrendous experiences [ in the war, in concentration camps ], then recovered, lived the Life of Riley, and died aged 97, or something. Others lead ' healthy ' lives and drop dead, running round a race-track, aged 31.


I 'm not saying this latest revelation from New York is the Be All & End All.......but......it should give the Health Freaks, at least, pause for thought ? It 's strange, too, that despite the warnings about Aids....obesity.....blood pressure........wars........other diseases......pandemic panics........etc.......longevity is on the increase, in general.....and the world 's population goes on merrily increasing !


So, come on------Eat, Drink & Be Merry......for tomorrow you may jog in front of a double-decker bus.

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How do you know which genes will predominate? My side of the family tend to live long, 3 of my 4 grandparents lived to over 70, 2 to over 80, and my dad is 80 now. My husband just died aged 51, his brother at 38 and several generations before them died very early.


Which genes will my kids get?

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