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Advice Urgently Needed please :(

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in my opinion if she loves you as much as you do her then she will not leave you i dont know your wifes income but it will help to tell her and get it out in the open. there are far more options if you do tell her like working tax credits and family credits. Again as mentioned in a post before the best way to find a job is through word of mouth friends and family looking for you and spreading the word. if it was me in her shoes i would not be bothered about the quiting the job bit it would be the lie and the fact that the lie has tock it this far but at the end of the day when you sit back, carlm down and refect the lie was all for her you not wanting to upset or stress her. but now it will anyway so get it out in the open and tell her before she finds out for her self which will make matters far worse.


i was made redundant in feb from a 40k a year job and even then we were struggling to make ends meet i went straight out on the same day and went self enployed in the same line of work even though i am still not making as much money with the help of tax credits we are making ends meet (is this a an opsion for you?)


wishing you really good look mate hope it all works out in the end for you.

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Hope this goes well for you matey.


I know what its like to be up the creek without a paddle, financially.


I also know what its like having to try to constantly hide the extent of your troubles. Let it all out dude, if she's a good un then she'll jump on board and help you out.


Sincere fingers crossed, really touched a part of me this has.

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Set yourself a deadline otherwise you will find an excuse not to tell her. There will always be something else to do. Also find something positive about your situation, there is always something where you are better off than others. Then take your tongue lashing as a man and get through it. If she chucks you out she will soon realise it's better to have you than not so you will soon be back and working on a plan to make things better.

Good luck and keep us all posted. Make that deadline NOW when you have read the post, go on do it now.

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You shouldnt have to turn upto work miserable because some sack of **** manager is giving you a hard time. You will find a job and get back on your feet in time. Happiness is much better than being somewhere you dont want to be for money.

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