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Laughing inappropriately

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My daughters boyfriend brought his Bull Mastiff round for me to see and mollycoddle last year, krikey he's lovely and HUGE! My wife doesn't like dogs. I was squeezing his lovely chubby face on our drive when she came home. A 6ft steel gate separated her from the dog and there was clearly no way the dog would clear it. It saw her and went bounding upto the gate, she turned, ran, screamed, I'm not sure I've ever laughed as loud as that. I feel awful just typing it, and oddly chuckly !!!

I can remember laughing so so clearly, as there was regret too considering the possible repercussions!

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I'm guilty of it too, sometimes I do it because I genuinely find it funny (I am rather sick), other times I don't actually know why I laugh, I think I read somewhere it's a coping mechanism.


I do quite often get done for it though, it annoys the hell out of 1 of my mates and it makes my mum cringe (so all good then :D)


A few years ago in a queue for santa a lady in front just fell, one minute she was stood the next she was on the deck, I was both doubled up and trying to help her up at the same time, thing is with laughter it can cause a mexican wave effect, so those that weren't laughing were tutting at our lack of empathy.




:hihi: :hihi: I would have done the same, i am just sooooooo glad its not just me, i thought i must have been some sort of evil, wicked being to do such a thing :D

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Not quite the same, but sometimes I find really silly, childish things really hilarious and I cant stop laughing. And when the moment has gone, I remember it again and can't help laughing when people are talking about something different, and usually serious.

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Icy weather is the best, when you see people desperately trying to look cool while sliding all over. I know its not funny but hell I can't help but laugh



Ha ha ha ...


I live on a small hill so could view it all from the comfort of my living room window when the last snow came and it was funny as hell. I should have really gone out to help but i think my howling fits of laughter would have got me a punch in the face so i decided against the idea :hihi:

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Another occasion, the whole family was sat in Frankie and Bennie's at Skegness (yes, I know) and we got talking about strange things that's happened to us in the past. My youngest daughter said "I once got wee in my eye"....in unison we all said "what?"


She went on to explain that on a visit to the toilet before we set off from home, she'd just finished her peepees and thought "oh I might as well.." and decided on poopoos too. She explained as she 'let go' she happened to be looking down, and the splash back hit her square in the face.


What followed nearly resulted in us being asked to leave the restaurant.

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Yah, I laugh at "wrong" moments/make and enjoy "inappropriate" jokes as well. Good to know there are others :P.


I think like foxforcefive said, sometimes it is a "coping mechanism" (like when my teachers used to tell me off I'd grin and it'd annoy the hell out of them - but it was more out of me being nervous than anything else) and sometimes it is just genuinely finding things funny that a lot of other people don't.


I don't care if people laugh at me or take the urine out of me and actually regard it as a sign of closeness the more they do it. The thing is I'm only polite to people I'm not that tight with - if I insult someone it generally means I'm comfortable with them and vice versa :P.


I have occasionally been warned at work about forwarding e-mails, or got disapproving looks from people overhearing me, but it never stops me :hihi:


(was in a lift with a girlfriend coming down from the top of the Empire State Building and I was saying how the guy who took the souvenir photographs was probably going to take copies home and have a massive w**k over them. THEN we noticed the young family in the lift with us. It was a long way down...... :o:help:).

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Another occasion, the whole family was sat in Frankie and Bennie's at Skegness (yes, I know) and we got talking about strange things that's happened to us in the past. My youngest daughter said "I once got wee in my eye"....in unison we all said "what?"


She went on to explain that on a visit to the toilet before we set off from home, she'd just finished her peepees and thought "oh I might as well.." and decided on poopoos too. She explained as she 'let go' she happened to be looking down, and the splash back hit her square in the face.


What followed nearly resulted in us being asked to leave the restaurant.




Now i am laughing uncontrollably again :hihi: :hihi:

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