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'Sex Worker' not 'Prostitute', PC gone mad

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As I said, in most cases I generally feel sorry for the women who end up as prostitutes and regard the men who use their services to be sad and worthy of contempt.


But to repeat, I think the terms "sex worker/industry" are gilding the lily somewhat. They are dressing up something which is always unsavoury, often criminal and giving it a veneer of respectability.


Couldn't have put it better, maybe we should have a competition for what will be the next PC title given to Prostitutes.

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On today's R4's Any Answers, many prostitutes phoned in to discuss the issue of decriminalisation, the majority of whom referred to themselves as sex workers.

What do you think herman Goering and Slobadon Milosavic refered to themselves as? I'm sure they didn't say 'War Criminals'.

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You've been on this forum since 2007 and haven't noticed that the same PC/lefty numpties turn up on most threads?
And you've been on it for a week, plenty long enough to clock this? Pull the other one, who were you, really? :suspect: Someone not very agreeable, certainly :)


Actually, rather than having brothels and seedy strip clubs, etc, wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone was evolved enough not to need to exploit other people for their own gratification? And I'm using the world advisedly, there's often exploitation on both sides.

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What is PC about 'sex worker'? It's even more explicit than 'prostitute'.
So is making condoms and vibrators, the difference being that you don't expect a woman assmbleng vibrators to also call herself a prostitute.
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Your point being?:confused:


My point being your post below where you refered to them correctly as prostitutes whereas they used the incorrect term of 'Sex Workers'.




Originally Posted by Suffragette1

On today's R4's Any Answers, many prostitutes phoned in to discuss the issue of decriminalisation, the majority of whom referred to themselves as sex workers.

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The word comes from latin, whereas the good old english words like "sex" and "worker" are PC nonsense.


And? The literal translation, for those who actually know Latin, means 'to expose' does it not? Prostitution entails more than that, so 'sex worker' is probably more apposite. I could understand it, perhaps, if 'sex worker' were a total misnomer, however, it isn't.


It beggars belief that so many people on here are getting so worked up about a bit of nomenclature and as others have said, it's a mask for their misogyny.

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