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'Sex Worker' not 'Prostitute', PC gone mad

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rather than having brothels and seedy strip clubs, etc, wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone was evolved enough not to need to exploit other people for their own gratification? And I'm using the world advisedly, there's often exploitation on both sides.
not if run properly nobodys exploiting anybody they providing a service where theres plenty of demand for said services :loopy:
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not if run properly nobodys exploiting anybody they providing a service where theres plenty of demand for said services
I think my point went whooshing right over your head? Perhaps you have a different view of what the word 'exploitation' means in context?


Would you choose, or wish any of your children or close friends or relatives to choose or be forced, to work as a prostitute? It's not a career of choice for most men or women, you know. You may not care to acknowledge the fact but, generally speaking, people have to be absolutely desperate, or under duress, to get involved. There are very few Belle du Jours around.

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I think my point went whooshing right over your head? Perhaps you have a different view of what the word 'exploitation' means in context?


Would you choose, or wish any of your children or close friends or relatives to choose or be forced, to work as a prostitute? It's not a career of choice for most men or women, you know. You may not care to acknowledge the fact but, generally speaking, people have to be absolutely desperate, or under duress, to get involved. There are very few Belle du Jours around.

i wouldnt choose anything for my kids to do regarding employment that choice is theirs. you say its not a career choice for these women i beg to differ have you not seen the legally run brothels around the world operating ? there may well be a few belle du jours around what you dont know about because they have decided to keep quiet
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Where money is exchanged for services or activity is in fact by definition a prostitute...so those advocating the word "prostitute" surely wouldn't mind the label being attached to them.


Retail worker, Construction worker, media worker...etc. Are these not PC for prostitute?

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In the context of 3 brutally murdered women, I cannot believe that the OP is so worked up about terminology.


I think the OP was a general observation and not meant as a comment on the tragic deaths of the three women. Put that aside and the OP makes perfect sense.

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I think the OP was a general observation and not meant as a comment on the tragic deaths of the three women. Put that aside and the OP makes perfect sense.


This is the OP:


The two missing an the one prostitute whose body has been found are now refered to by TV reporters as "Sex Workers".

Is this PC reaching new dizzy heights?


The context of the Op explicitly is the reporting of the deaths of these women, not a general observation at all. :huh:


The OP even suggests the reporting is "PC reaching new dizzy heights"!


In reality all we have is a handful of journalists choosing to use a preferred description that shows a touch of sympathy for the victims of murder.


If affording a little respect where it is deserved is what people mean by PC then we should have more of it.

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You're obviously in a league of your own so let's all say, We're not worthy, We're not worthy, We're not worthy.:hihi:
I'm pleased you've been able to bring yourself to acknowledge it :D For one who has been of our company for so little time, you seem to have taken our measure very well. *she posts disbelievingly* :cool:
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i wouldnt choose anything for my kids to do regarding employment that choice is theirs. you say its not a career choice for these women i beg to differ have you not seen the legally run brothels around the world operating ? there may well be a few belle du jours around what you dont know about because they have decided to keep quiet
We appear to be arguing a totally different point and I have actually never seen a brothel, legally run or otherwise, operating. But, if you had ever had any contact or conversation with a 'sex worker', other than as a client, you might have a totally different take on the subject?


As it is, you seem to be far better acquainted with the organisation and running of brothels than I. Let's just leave it at that, shall we? :)

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Brilliant article by India Knight here, from today's Sunday Times.


I thought she missed the point entirely. You don't want heroin addicts working as prostitutes, whether in a legalised brothel or on the street. They're doing it for the wrong reasons and they carry HIV and Hepatitis.


Far better get them out of prostitution by giving them free heroin. Then not a single one of them would be a prostitute.

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