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'Sex Worker' not 'Prostitute', PC gone mad

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We appear to be arguing a totally different point and I have actually never seen a brothel, legally run or otherwise, operating. But, if you had ever had any contact or conversation with a 'sex worker', other than as a client, you might have a totally different take on the subject?


As it is, you seem to be far better acquainted with the organisation and running of brothels than I. Let's just leave it at that, shall we? :)

nice of you to admit that for once someone might know more than you on some subjects:thumbsup:
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There's nothing like having first hand knowledge of your subject, I agree. I obviously have to give way to yours in this particular area, :hihi:


Yes, it would be interesting to hear from the men on this forum (and statistically, there must be a significant percentage) who have availed themselves of the services of a prostitute/sex worker.


If for example, you were to admit to having paid for sex, which term would you prefer to use?

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This is the OP:




The context of the Op explicitly is the reporting of the deaths of these women, not a general observation at all. :huh:


The OP even suggests the reporting is "PC reaching new dizzy heights"!


In reality all we have is a handful of journalists choosing to use a preferred description that shows a touch of sympathy for the victims of murder.


If affording a little respect where it is deserved is what people mean by PC then we should have more of it.


The OP is still an just observation on prostitution in general and does not make specific comment on the victims, other than they are in the news right now.

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I thought she missed the point entirely. You don't want heroin addicts working as prostitutes, whether in a legalised brothel or on the street. They're doing it for the wrong reasons and they carry HIV and Hepatitis.


Far better get them out of prostitution by giving them free heroin. Then not a single one of them would be a prostitute.


Missed the point? she couldn't hit a barn door at 5 paces, the article is so flawed and biased it is laughable it seems everyone incuding those amongst us who've never used the service of a prostitute are to blame.

If anyone is to blame let's lay the blame at the door of the drug dealers and the pimps who parasite of these women who end up as prostitutes.

As someone said earlier they've even retitled binmen, but to me they're still binmen, binmen I respect because they're doing a worthwhile job but binheads/PC Wallahs I don't.

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Yes, it would be interesting to hear from the men on this forum (and statistically, there must be a significant percentage) who have availed themselves of the services of a prostitute/sex worker.


If for example, you were to admit to having paid for sex, which term would you prefer to use?



It could be the fact that they have to use two words rather than one.:hihi:


Never had the need to use one but would have no problem paying for it should circumstances change.

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Yes, it would be interesting to hear from the men on this forum (and statistically, there must be a significant percentage) who have availed themselves of the services of a prostitute/sex worker.


If for example, you were to admit to having paid for sex, which term would you prefer to use?


Turning the question around...would be interesting to see who's sold themselves. Male or female.

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I thought she missed the point entirely. You don't want heroin addicts working as prostitutes, whether in a legalised brothel or on the street. They're doing it for the wrong reasons and they carry HIV and Hepatitis.


Far better get them out of prostitution by giving them free heroin. Then not a single one of them would be a prostitute.


So you're saying that they shouldn't be given the opportunity and support to come off drugs? In Ipswich, following the murders there, there was a concerted campaign by Iceni to help prostitutes with their addictions and it has been so successful that it has almost eradicated street prostitution.

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So you're saying that they shouldn't be given the opportunity and support to come off drugs? In Ipswich, following the murders there, there was a concerted campaign by Iceni to help prostitutes with their addictions and it has been so successful that it has almost eradicated street prostitution.


I didn't see that as what Alastair was saying at all; but it is typical of the way certain members are allowed to misquote/misconstrue what other members post

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