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'Sex Worker' not 'Prostitute', PC gone mad

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No, I'm saying you don't want heroin addicts working as prostitutes. The Sunday Times journalist was suggesting we should have legal brothels where addicts could be weaned off heroin, which was upside down thinking.


We should give them free heroin then not a single one of them would be on the streets selling sex to make money to pay for their drug habit. They would all be at home spaced out and bothering no one. They would probably be able to get normal jobs too without the need to earn the vast amount of money that a heroin habit costs.


In the days when heroin was supplied free to registered addicts many of them held down normal jobs. It's not actually a debilitating drug, rather it's the issues of supplying an addiction that make it a problem.

It's a catch 22, some (many) have to take drugs in order to make the sex with their punters, more bearable, the only way to get through it to be spaced out.


If men protected themselves during all penetrative and oral sex, they shouldn't become infected with either HIV or Hepatitis.


It's not just heroin though is it? Crack cocaine seems to be latest addiction and many also have alcohol dependency.

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It's a catch 22, some (many) have to take drugs in order to make the sex with their punters, more bearable, the only way to get through it to be spaced out.


If men protected themselves during all penetrative and oral sex, they shouldn't become infected with either HIV or Hepatitis.


It's not just heroin though is it? Crack cocaine seems to be latest addiction and many also have alcohol dependency.

But surely as Alaister says if you can take the women out of prostitution primarily and focus on their addictions (if they have any) that is for the best?
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we just need to look at the internet to see how many women are selling themselves and its not a couple of hundred more like thousands . is there any research done asking these women why they do it (apart from the money) if we as a country are even thinking about doing this here we need to look at indepth research from around the globe and putting things in place to make it work . i also think people who have being researched in this country are not a good example to question for a number of reasons drugs,abuse,desparation or even exploitation .

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If men protected themselves during all penetrative and oral sex, they shouldn't become infected with either HIV or Hepatitis.

Maybe dropping a line to the 'Blood Tranfusion Service' to seek their view on this.

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But surely as Alaister says if you can take the women out of prostitution primarily and focus on their addictions (if they have any) that is for the best?


Yes, but ultimately, she needs help to kick the addiction. I think helping women off drugs will ultimately help them get off the streets. However, there will always be women who are not doing it to support a drug habit, but because they need the money to pay the rent or are supporting a partner's drug habit.

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Really? And you know this how? TMI re handy tools!:hihi:


Seriously, but men go on about the state of prostitutes, have you seen the state of some of these men? No wonder they have to pay for it.:D

and most women working the streets will sleep with anyone for their next fix
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