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'Sex Worker' not 'Prostitute', PC gone mad

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Wow next you'll want murderers to be called 'Inducers of Premature Demise'

to make them sound respectable.:loopy:


What a silly and dangerous analogy, it implies that you think that prostitutes are as bad as murderers. In fact, there is so much wrong with it on so many levels that I don't even know where to start.

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They decided to take the drugs knowing they are addictive.


Why should we as a society do something to help them out of a problem that they got themselves into.

They only have themselves to blame.

If they choose to stay on the drugs and do nothing to get off them and have to work the streets to pay for them then it is their problem and not society's problem.


Society should help no one unless they are willing to do everything in their power to help themselves.

By that rationale anyone who makes a bad decision shouldn't be helped.
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It isn't. It's insulting to call a dead girl a prostitute when we have other words we can use.


No it isn't. Like I said earlier; if you feel like you must use 'polite' words to describe someone, rather than just stating the truth, that implies you have some derogatory feelings towards that title. Some people still persist in calling blacks 'coloured', to be polite, as if there is anything wrong with just being black.


A prostitute is a prostitute. It is not rude to say that.


If you want to talk about being rude or insensitive, let's call prostitutes hookers and black people *******.


Do you see the difference?

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No it isn't. Like I said earlier; if you feel like you must use 'polite' words to describe someone, rather than just stating the truth, that implies you have some derogatory feelings towards that title. Some people still persist in calling blacks 'coloured', to be polite, as if there is anything wrong with just being black.


A prostitute is a prostitute. It is not rude to say that.


If you want to talk about being rude or insensitive, let's call prostitutes hookers and black people *******.


Do you see the difference?



Totally agree :)


A prostitute is a woman who exchanges sex for money. End of. It's not insulting, but a statement of fact. To try and dress this up indicates that you are coming from the mindset where you are saying being a prostitute is wrong.


My friends sometimes jokingly call me a bit of a slag, but that's fine, because I am aware that reflects that I have quite a liberal mindset and would be quite promiscuous in priniciple (given the opportunity :suspect:).


It's not insulting because I don't WANT to be regarded as someone who keeps herself chaste and regards not having sex as some sort of "virtue".


I don't buy into this value system of women being judged on how much sex they have.


So if someone says I'm a bit of a slag then by saying "in my dreams - I wish" with a big grin on my face that's my way of saying I don't agree with the whole judgemental thing.

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Totally agree :)


A prostitute is a woman who exchanges sex for money. End of. It's not insulting, but a statement of fact. To try and dress this up indicates that you are coming from the mindset where you are saying being a prostitute is wrong.


My friends sometimes jokingly call me a bit of a slag, but that's fine, because I am aware that reflects that I have quite a liberal mindset and would be quite promiscuous in priniciple (given the opportunity :suspect:).


It's not insulting because I don't WANT to be regarded as someone who keeps herself chaste and regards not having sex as some sort of "virtue".


I don't buy into this value system of women being judged on how much sex they have.


So if someone says I'm a bit of a slag then by saying "in my dreams - I wish" with a big grin on my face that's my way of saying I don't agree with the whole judgemental thing.


I totally agree there and it's depressing beyond belief that in the 21st century, women are still judged in this manner. Frigid, lesbians, sluts, slags, whores whatever.

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I totally agree there and it's depressing beyond belief that in the 21st century, women are still judged in this manner. Frigid, lesbians, sluts, slags, whores whatever.


Language is important, and I think that we do need to work on reclaiming and redefining certain words.


As Shaz very astutely noted, by regarding words like "black" as an insult we are in effect saying there is something wrong in being black.


So when someone seeks to imply that being sexually active (slag/whore/easy) is some sort of insult for a woman I think we need to look at the thinking behind it.

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Language is important, and I think that we do need to work on reclaiming and redefining certain words.


As Shaz very astutely noted, by regarding words like "black" as an insult we are in effect saying there is something wrong in being black.


So when someone seeks to imply that being sexually active (slag/whore/easy) is some sort of insult for a woman I think we need to look at the thinking behind it.

And the thinking behind it is sadly all too obvious.

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