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'Sex Worker' not 'Prostitute', PC gone mad

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Are page 3 girls 'sex workers'?
No, just strumpets! ;)


There is an undercurrent of something dark and nasty in this thread, I'm sad to say. Let us piously hope that none of us ever has to answer the knock on the door and find that our beloved child has been involved in anything like it. I agree with Wildcat that anything that tempers the wind to the bereaved in these circumstances is a kindness, not PC.


Can you imagine the terror of that poor woman, being chased along a corridor and shot in the head with a crossbow? They were just people trying to get by in a harsh world, servicing sad b*st*rds for a living and coming across a raving homicidal maniac in the course of it. fgs, have some compassion.

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The two missing an the one prostitute whose body has been found are now refered to by TV reporters as "Sex Workers".

Is this PC reaching new dizzy heights?


No one is stopping you using the word prostitute, so I fail to see what the problem is.

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Its remarkable. Some people have been brutally murdered and all some people care about is what to label them. Does nobody have an ounce of compassion anymore? It must be so wonderful to be able to sit in your remote ivory tower and snobbishly sneer at everyone else. Go the whole hog and don a top hat and monacle while you bray with contempt and delight at the people who don't measure up to your perfect standards.


Who gives a toss if they were prostitutes, sex workers or anything else. It doesn't matter if they they licked the floors of La Chambre clean for a living. They've been murdered and that affects their families, show a little compassion as you would like it shown to you if you were unfortunate enough to have a family member murdered.

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It doesn't hide it away, it is just a nicer term, a more appropriate term to use when they are victims.


What does nicer mean? If that was the way I earnt my living I'd rather be described as a prostitute than a sex-worker. So would the people who set up the organisation set up to look after their interests - The English Collective of Prostitutes. They're part of the larger international organisation the International Prostitutes Collective.


Get over it, prostitute is a good word.

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What does nicer mean? If that was the way I earnt my living I'd rather be described as a prostitute than a sex-worker. So would the people who set up the organisation set up to look after their interests - The English Collective of Prostitutes. They're part of the larger international organisation the International Prostitutes Collective.


Get over it, prostitute is a good word.


Quite simply by all accounts these were normal lasses who took a wrong turn in their lives. Much loved by their families who have now lost a loved one in a most horrible way. They don't need to be labeled and joked about. They need our compassion.

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