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Did You get a 'slap' as a kid ??

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Did it do you any harm ?


I'm talking about stupid thing's not urrrgh thing's thank you very much (Before you start)

Did you pinch money ?

Did you lie when you told your parent's where you were going ?

Did you look in your parent's drawers and wardrobes at xmas and birthdays ?

Did you pinch Ciggies ?

Did you nick your Dad's/Mom's aftershave or perfume ?

See ya bigots

That prove's that none of us are without reprimand...

So sayeth YouFo666

I'm a devil you know ;)

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if we did anything really wrong my dad would send us to bed, then 10 mins later come up and give us a slap with the old leather belt, i remember one time my older brother jumping from bed to bed covering his bum with his hands while dad was chasing him, we still laugh when we talk about that

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My dad used to kick us in the teeth, although to be fair he would only do it after he had just stood in a dog turd.


You were lucky to have teeth. My parents pulled all ours' out and sold them to make piano keys.


This thread is sooooo going to turn into that Monty Python routine where they try to outdo each other with their tales of how badly they were treated as a lad :hihi:


Surely not?

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My dad used to kick us in the teeth, although to be fair he would only do it after he had just stood in a dog turd.


You were lucky! Our dad used to force feed us laxatives so that he could step in our turds before he kicked us in the teeth.

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This thread is sooooo going to turn into that Monty Python routine where they try to outdo each other with their tales of how badly they were treated as a lad :hihi:



I doubt anyone who had been seriously physically abused would want to discuss it with the type of people who sneer at anything they don't feel comfortable with.

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