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20 mph but why not 1.3cc ?

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20 mph is ok by me but I am the sort of person that is radical enough to suggest we go a lot further.


Rarther than start down this route that is open to opposition from people that are not daft enough to work out that this would be an eccological nightmare, we should start from the top and ban all new cars being above 1.3 cc unless it be for transport of goods or emergency veircles.


1.3 engiens now are fast enough for anything and it would help in the quest to cut speeding on motorways and car theft with the only cars fast enough to be on the road being the police.


It seems stupid with the new look at how we think the future should be that we have not even concidered this solution.


If electric veircles were excempt then the buisness class would drive forward the ecconomics to drive down fual emissions. A win win situation.


Lets see if the new politics of this country are really up to change !


We are looking at cut backs in all walks of our lives to try and save the future. Why not a cap on cars CC ?



I'm sure the PM will be very happy running a 1.3 armoured limo. It will help him to outrun the guys with the machine guns.


I've heard some crackpot ideas in my time but this one takes the biscuit. Anyone fancy towing a caravan or a trailer?

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I don't have a problem with people owning larger engines, provided that they are paying enough in excise duty to cover the cost of the extra pollution. The current excise duty system is supposed to reflect this; whether it goes far enough I don't know, but it's the right idea.


This is the point though, people with money although pay for it more still do not have an incentive to stop using a guzzler if they can afford it.

Its ok people that can afford to polute more but it does not stop the polution and in the long run its a compounding proplem that effects everyone irrelivant of income. Is it right that the rich contaminate the poor on the back of wealth ?


Its time for the Govts to put our intersts first and radicaly change how we think about polution and just making people change from a blue bin to a plastic tray is ok but its not adressing the big issues.


So the rich pay more to polute ok, but then everyone puts into the pot to treat the ailments that bad enviroment produce. Everyone who pays tax into the NHS do so to treat chest infections, asthma ect.

So what I propose whould go far to cutting down emissions, and should then filter down to making everyone slightly healthier as a resuilt.


We should get away from the thinking that we can just pay our way out of this mess but as we found out with the Banks its not good practice. We should start to be pro active in dealing with the problems we face.

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Isn't it better to educate, enlighten and encourage rather than create bans, crimes and punishment?
No, people have proven time and time again that they are falible and fall short of the law with the likes of drink driving ect.


Its not ok to be reclace with the enviroment, its not like an accident that affects individuals with say a road crash.


Choice needs to be taken out of the equation altogether as people are selfish.

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Bear in mind that they want to reduce the speed limit to 20 to reduce the number of children etc being killed on the residential roads (nothing to do with emissions). Therefore the easy answer is to ban children from our roads. Make parents responsible for their kids and charge them with neglect/manslaughter if they let their kids go on the road and are involved in an accident. Simple, problem solved now onto the next one.


Ok but how many children suffer from the ailments caused by car polution ?


I am not saying that its not a good Idea to go 20 mph but if it adds polution and then kills X amount more kids from chest problems it won't be making the difference your assuming to.

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20 mph is ok by me but I am the sort of person that is radical enough to suggest we go a lot further.


Rarther than start down this route that is open to opposition from people that are not daft enough to work out that this would be an eccological nightmare, we should start from the top and ban all new cars being above 1.3 cc unless it be for transport of goods or emergency veircles.


1.3 engiens now are fast enough for anything and it would help in the quest to cut speeding on motorways and car theft with the only cars fast enough to be on the road being the police.


It seems stupid with the new look at how we think the future should be that we have not even concidered this solution.


If electric veircles were excempt then the buisness class would drive forward the ecconomics to drive down fual emissions. A win win situation.


Lets see if the new politics of this country are really up to change !


We are looking at cut backs in all walks of our lives to try and save the future. Why not a cap on cars CC ?


I understand your point, but I must admit I like the feeling of my car accelerating at decent speeds.


Surely that is OK aslong as kept under the speed limit. Then again the speed limit is another debate in itself.

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The person who started this thread must live in a cave and eat moss and insects because thats good for mother earth! Why should we swap our cars for 1300cc models? I get raped by the goverment with tax like everybody else. I get paid and pay tax, I buy food and get taxed, I buy fuel and get taxed I have to pay road tax that riles me the most because the roads in India are probably in better nick than ours! As for child safety learn them the green cross code teach them the rules of the road and let them know no matter what size car (or cc) or the speed it is traveling IT WILL HURT YOU IF NOT KILL YOU!! when kids get knocked over the driver always gets the blame and it might be there fault the odd time but I bet the majority of the time it is down to kids not being educated!!

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It would virtually finish the touring caravan industry, transporting large families, mini-buses, taxis, light goods vehicles, etc etc.

With a reduced risk on the roads cars could get lighter, taxis could be 1.3cc. mini buses could be exempt as any work veircle that is granted licence to use larger cc.


Cars could work off 1.3 with a gearing to suit it purpous so you would opt for a car that is geared to pull rarther than speed couldnt you ?


I had a 4x4 1.0 fiat panda that had some pull in it and it would drag you up the majority of hills even off road.

People that wanted to use them on the motorway for istance would get a sportier car but still upto 1.3


Im not saying it is a cut and dry solution but we need to start thinking of things differently and bite the bit. Nothing is easy especially a life altering changes but just as people have to adapt to the advances of technology then maybe we should have to adapt to a simpler, slower, slepped back a bit life style if we are seriously going to combat problems such as polution and oil reserve depletion as well as the cost of living in general.

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The person who started this thread must live in a cave and eat moss and insects because thats good for mother earth! Why should we swap our cars for 1300cc models? I get raped by the goverment with tax like everybody else. I get paid and pay tax, I buy food and get taxed, I buy fuel and get taxed I have to pay road tax that riles me the most because the roads in India are probably in better nick than ours! As for child safety learn them the green cross code teach them the rules of the road and let them know no matter what size car (or cc) or the speed it is traveling IT WILL HURT YOU IF NOT KILL YOU!! when kids get knocked over the driver always gets the blame and it might be there fault the odd time but I bet the majority of the time it is down to kids not being educated!!

The roads in India probably have a lot more smaller CC cars by percentage than us and they seem to be leading the way in the creation of a small car industry.


As for fed up of being taxed well cutting the CC of the majority of cars would in turn have to be reflected in saving from cut in tax so I do not get your point.

If they cut cars down to 1.3 then wouldnt they have to cut down the tax threshold to a lower level as the way the lighter cars would save on road ware I would imagine and the polution argument used to calculate tax is reduced. The saving at the pump would save you on fual tax.


And like you rightly say it may not reduce the accidents to kids but without the overly fast cars they people sport now and the added incentive that speeding would be a bigger risk of being caught as the Police would be in cars 2 or 3x faster. Putting a cap on CC would put everyone on an even playing field so the boy racer and sports car posers would probably deminish in numbers.


Living in a cave and eating moss is the sort of radical Idea that Im talking about, although its probably too big a step back for me but I see where it could give the 'Mother Earth' a break from us (well I could if I was the tree hugging nut that you make me out), Well done though for thinking out side the box ;)

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