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Why -ism's, phobia's and prejudices are pointless

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It strikes me that there's nothing better for some people on the forum to do than unveil their ism's, phobias and prejudices about groups of people.


Racism, homophobia, sexism, fatism, xenophobia, poor people, posh people and single mothers are just some of the groups who take a bashing on a regular basis and its just ridiculous.


I should also add i'm no better than anyone else, I have my inbuilt prejudices that I have to fight not to give into so i'm not being all holier than thou.


All these prejudices are just plain stupid. To hate a group of people because they all share a characteristic is just ludicrous. To hate them for something as arbitrary as their skin colour or who they like to sleep with is so completely ridiculous as to be nonsensical. There is good and bad in all walks of life and to allow prejudices to cloud your judgement of an individual makes no sense.


We live in an increasingly detached, unsociable world so human contact is becoming more important than ever. Don't let your prejudices kill your faith in people. We are literally all we've got, if we can't find a way to get along we're doomed.


Thats not to say you need to love all your brithers and hold hands and wear flowers in your hair. Ignorance, stupidity and hate should be challenged wherever you find it. Foul people should be tackled and ignorat people should be dealt with but most people are ok, they're just trying to get through the day and for the most part they're just like you. Its not our differences that seperate us, they should be applauded to for making us different, we can learn from each other but we've got to want to.


Next time you're generalising try to think if it makes sense.


I should also add that arachnophobia isn't stupid, its very real and should be taken seriously and people who don't believe in it need dragging into the street and shooting for their lack of compassion!:hihi::D:P;)

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The thing is isms, phobias and prejudices are part of human nature, always have been, always will be, bias is human nature...are you or are you not bias towards your own family ? I reckon an honest answer is yes and therefore you are not without prejudice as everyone else is !

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