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Anyone at the dogs last night?

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not really if you scratch below the surface its all still there more or less but maybe in diffrent forms, the only diffrence is theres now the pc brigade which means you have to be less vocal in your views for fear of been labeled racist/homophobia.


Ah, ok, you're one of those. Thanks for letting me know.

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No you're right, it doesn't count when at the end of their career they receive a bolt gun in the head, all the massages in the world don't matter, They are overbred and as a result are killed in huge numbers when their racing career ends.


Not according to Oxford and other dog tracks but we're just back pedalling on that one we've already done it.

For every statistic in favour of either argument there is one against.

I agree it shouldn't happen and more should be done to prevent it but banning racing is not the answer.


Oops we've also been there before.:roll::roll:..

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Not according to Oxford and other dog tracks but we're just back pedalling on that one we've already done it.

For every stastic in favour of either argument their is one against.

I agree it shouldn't happen and more should be done to prevent it but banning racing is not the answer.


Oops we've also been there before.:roll::roll:..


But isn't that the thing - the only "more" that can be done (and lets ignore the cruelty of the racing life itself) is if there is a home for every retiree, and there simply isn't. If trainers were willing to keep them then that would be the case already and there wouldn't be 12,000 killed a year. If the industry had to fund 12,000 dogs per year being kennelled for another, what, 8 years, it would collapse. Unless you accept that the dogs are disposable the model doesn't work.

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Ah, ok, you're one of those. Thanks for letting me know.


actually no im not. but thanks for lableing me anyway:rolleyes:. my closest friend is gay and i have friends from all nationalities thats why i know its not dying out its just gone underground. it still happens

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But isn't that the thing - the only "more" that can be done (and lets ignore the cruelty of the racing life itself) is if there is a home for every retiree, and there simply isn't. If trainers were willing to keep them then that would be the case already and there wouldn't be 12,000 killed a year. If the industry had to fund 12,000 dogs per year being kennelled for another, what, 8 years, it would collapse. Unless you accept that the dogs are disposable the model doesn't work.


I dont accept 12000 per year.

I don't believe racing is cruel.


We'll just beg to differ.

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I've seen dogs treat better than people, massages every day, waled for miles, best food and centrally heated kennels.

Your defence there is that cruelty doesn't exist, because you have seen some dogs treat well. To go back to a jewish metaphor; that is like having a comfy bed in Auschwitz. It doesn't mean it's a nice place to be.

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The entire industry is indefensible - you kid yourself that because "molly" (have you re-registered her now? she was Swiss Roll wasn't she?) has what you perceive to be a nice life then its probably all ok. Tell me this - how many were in Molly's litter? How many are still traceable? She was one of the "hundreds on farms" that you talk about. The industry wouldn't survive if it wasn't for the breeders you seem to differentiate yourself from.


However, Walthamstow has closed, Portsmouth has closed, the industry is dying before our eyes, so there is hope.


molly was called swiss roll...but since we bought her the name is justice for matt....portsmouth has closed must have been run by an arab like the football team...sheffield will be packed tonight and you try getting a table friday and saturday...molly lives at owlerton and is well looked after...cannot speak for the other dogs...just molly...has for mollys brothers or sisters...her father was westmead hawk....derby winner...and his pups fetch about a grand...nice earner that is...so you enjoy a meat free lifestyle...while me and alex go to the dogs

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Your defence there is that cruelty doesn't exist, because you have seen some dogs treat well. To go back to a jewish metaphor; that is like having a comfy bed in Auschwitz. It doesn't mean it's a nice place to be.



i beg to differ but i dont think they raced greyhounds there....think the germans ran that place and they dont race greyhounds either....so dont compare what happened there by those scumbag nazis to the sport of greyhound racing....ps fancy coming to watch our molly run....we are lumping on her..

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for what its worth, i once rescued a retired greyhound and she was in an appalling condition when i got her, she had been tattooed on the inside of her ear and had jaw cancer due to having her mouth encased in metal for most of her life. Eventually her jaw bone just crumbled away and i had to have her put to sleep because of the massive pain she was in.

I dont see anything wrong with dog racing if only the owners of these dogs would see it as a life long commitment to the animal which has probably raced its life out to win them a few quid. Having them until they are past their best then duming them {or worse} is just plain wrong.

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molly was called swiss roll...but since we bought her the name is justice for matt....portsmouth has closed must have been run by an arab like the football team...sheffield will be packed tonight and you try getting a table friday and saturday...molly lives at owlerton and is well looked after...cannot speak for the other dogs...just molly...has for mollys brothers or sisters...her father was westmead hawk....derby winner...and his pups fetch about a grand...nice earner that is...so you enjoy a meat free lifestyle...while me and alex go to the dogs


Well, from that litter there are only two racing - its highly unlikely that there were only two in the litter, so what happened to the others, they were never registered. Where are they? Please don't insult anyone's intelligence by suggesting they are curled up in front of a fire somewhere as family pets. You know full well that dogs that are unlikely to make the grade are culled, just as thousands of them are when their racing days are over.


Interesting line about Portsmouth closing down because it "must have been run by an Arab". That does say rather a lot about you.

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