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Paedophiles in the family

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We need to ban anonymous trials and private/secret family courts. When an abused child is reported in the Press as "he who cannot be named for legal reasons", it dehumanises them as a nameless object of violence and puts pressure on them to not tell people for the rest of their lives (they can waive their anonymity from the age of 16 but this is exceptional, with most preferring to go to "confidential" counsellors about it.)


Paedophiles and rapists love to prey on shame. An abused person should be named and everyone should know they have been abused,instead of shamefully hiding it behind a blurred-out face in the papers or the closed door of a private Family Court hearing. They have done nothing wrong, they are INNOCENT. Abuse is NEVER the child's fault.

If things were more open, victims would speak out and receive greater recognition.

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I've come across this a couple of times. Sometimes the other family members reject the family member who was the victim, and close ranks round the perpetrator. Really really horrible for the victim. I think it's because people don't want to face up to the fact that one of them is rapist/paedophile, so they go into denial.


I've seen this first hand too.

The victim turns out to be the slag seducing the rapist/paedo in the eyes of the family, and is pretty much treated as an outcast.

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cant believe im going to tell this but oh well here goes...........


my daughters biological father is a convicted paedo, after falling pregnant i found childrens underwear and an extreamly explicit drawing of a young girl (im talking 7 or 8 not like 15-16) any way he was also very violent and controlling leaving him was something that couldnt be done at the snap of the fingers! i had arranged a hostel placement and on the day i was going there i saw him of to work as normal, packed my bags in 10 mins then got picked up and was gone, after having my daughter i was convinced to allow his family to see her which i did under the terms she was not to be left alone with him (she was 2 at this point) after a few visits we moved from surrey to lancashire (where my husband is from, ive been with him since my daughter was 6 weeks old) the visits dwindled from twice a year to once still on the basis that he was suppervised at all times, i had made a huge deal over not trusting him and never allowing him to take my daughter for days weekends etc then a few years ago 2 police officers drove up from london to see me in person as he had raped a 15 year old girl, been caught spying on an 11 and a 12 year old girl undressing and swimming baths and had 102 indecent images of children one being a two year old girl being fully penatraded by a adults penis, anyway of course all contact with him has ceased, how ever i thought i'd ask his mum where she stood as shes still my daughters grandmother and to my horror shes told me shes his mum and will always be there for him no matter what amd even as far as to saying he hasn't actually done anything wrong!


heres an article by the surrey newspaper




and a second




and this one has a comment by someone whose named them selfs marion but i think its his mum!




moral of the story, the paedo is being protected while an innocent child is exspelled from the family!!


all the above is why i decided to move to sheffield for a new start with my family for support, as the 'paedo' doesnt know where i am now!

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If things were more open, victims would speak out and receive greater recognition.



Which is precisely why things are not more open. You don't think it's bad enough that a chlid has been abused, and you want to expose them to years of torment and bullying about it because everyone at their school and in their neighbourhood will know?

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Think you are right carly83, that comment must be his mum. I'm glad you managed to escape from that filth, you are brave.


I have only known one peadophile and that was through work, he was involved in a divorce and the co-respondent was his 6 year old daughter who he had abused, he seemed such a cheery,chatty bloke, and you would have never guessed in a million years what terrible things he had done to his own daughter.

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Why do family members accept a peadophile who are members of their family!!!


We should be asking why paedophiles are about.

There must be a reason why paedos find young children attractive to themselves.

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Therein lies the crux of the problem, breaking the cycle. All too frequently, child sex abuse remains hidden until years down the line when the abused repeats history.


But yours and my notes on the topic will be ignored while the frothing continues ad infinitum and the abuse continues.

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We should be asking why paedophiles are about.

There must be a reason why paedos find young children attractive to themselves.


See here






And before I get jumped on, no I am not excusing/condoning sex abuse or defending abusers, however, this goes part way to answering your question.


But yours and my notes on the topic will be ignored while the frothing continues ad infinitum and the abuse continues.


I see what you mean.:roll:

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