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New Government- What is your early impressions of them?

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if im honest , i would give my left arm to have a PM like Thatcher , but sadly no present leader comes anywhere near the great lady.


if she was in charge now ,she would have crushed the unite union , who are holding BA to ransom , just like she crushed Scargill and his cronies in the 80`s.


ive never been a lover of union`s ,and i believe ALL unions should be made illegal and banned in this day and age .


in this current climate ,any one who has a job should thank themselves lucky , not try and hld their employer to ransom .

so helping you work in a workplace not under duress from your employer to bend the rules,work illegally and in some cases causing death just to achieve targets is a good thing then ? unions are not just about strike s its about getting good terms for employees eg wages,working conditions etc .so if you was to ban them who would fight for the workers rights? methinks you have not thought this through very well have you :huh:
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ive never been a lover of union`s ,and i believe ALL unions should be made illegal and banned in this day and age .


in this current climate ,any one who has a job should thank themselves lucky , not try and hld their employer to ransom .


so you believe that workers should be no better than serfs?

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if im honest , i would give my left arm to have a PM like Thatcher , but sadly no present leader comes anywhere near the great lady.


if she was in charge now ,she would have crushed the unite union , who are holding BA to ransom , just like she crushed Scargill and his cronies in the 80`s.


ive never been a lover of union`s ,and i believe ALL unions should be made illegal and banned in this day and age .


in this current climate ,any one who has a job should thank themselves lucky , not try and hld their employer to ransom .


Yes a PM like thatcher that raped the country of its assets selling them off to her capitalist friends, yes ordinary people did invest but it was the money people who came out of it the best. Cameron et al telling people that the unemployed must get jobs and work for a living and all the while cutting jobs. Just tell me where the people who are unemployed will find these jobs and no I am not unemployed I am fortunate to have a job.

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I am not unemployed I am fortunate to have a job.


You did do well then as unemployment increased by almost 1 million during the 13 years of Labour Government with a further 8 million having to acept part time work.

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getting rid of ID cards - superb move

getting rid of the jobs tax - superb move


i couldnt be happier


after 13 years of suffering under NUlabour , the future is bright again


we look forward then to higher unemployment and much higher interest rates then under the tories-how is that good

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