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Manor estate 1950 to 1980

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Troggy - now there was a fella! He used to live on my nan's road on Waltheof Rd and used to always tell us to f*** off! Never bothered us though, and always went about his business. wonder what happened to him ...


Troggy does live on the Arbourthorne he's aged a bit but still looks the same i saw him last week collecting aluminium cans he said he had a front garden full of them that he couldn't get rid of nobody wants them he said so i ask the obvious question. still sound as a pound.

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92 Fairleigh, we left in 1952.


I have a great recall of it, including the Maypole and the Co-op, there was a very old man called Mr Moxen who lived in one of the oap flats, a police officer named Dusforge who lived opposite us.


The officer was called Desforges his son Gerard went to St Theresa's and I bumped into him at Sheffield College in the early 2000's. Looked exactly the same even down to the type of shoe he was wearing.




Originally posted by eightlegger. hi im new to the forum. I lived on stanground at 21,from 1949 to mid fifties. others i recall are duggans (pat) .eightlegger


I remember a Katherine Duggan at St. Theresa's, would that be the same family?


I'm not very good at remembering road names but I remember plenty of families from the late fifties/early sixties. The Fentons (Paul), the O'nions(Ronnie), the Palmers(Jean), the Docherty's, the Ismays(Patrick), the Deakins(Geoffrey), the Swifts(Gary), the Wraggs(Michael, Austin, Kathleen), the Bainbridges, the Harpers (Stephen), the Wards(Tony), the Noonan's(Michael), The Feethams(Paul), The Wards (Philip, Tommy), the Butt's (Gary, Tommy), the Walsh's (Kathleen), the Betson's (Margaret), the Hotchkiss's (Michael), the Tyler's (Neville) the Docherty's (Keith), the Lowe's (twin girls, auburn hair), the Valerio's (Jacqueline), the Brownette's (twin girls), the O'Neill's (Philip), the Biggin's (Marie), the Lennon's (David), the Hudson's (Billy), the Goodwin's (Maurice), the Smith's (Anthony) etc. No doubt more will come as the old brain starts working.

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Hi cuttsie.

We must have been of the same era - did you go to Standhouse? I had a couple of dates (if you could call them that at 11 years old) with Christine. I used to see Julie regularly because: a. She was in the same class as me (Mr Rackham's class year 4) and she lived next door to my Aunt Thelma on Queen Mary Close (or Crescent?). I left Standhouse in 54.




Do you remember Avril Coates another stunner.

How is it remember all the lasses!

Edited by cuttsie
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Strange but I don't remember Avril at all. Was she in Mr Rackham's class?



I dont know which class Avril was in Rod as i only met the lasses mentioned after we all left school.

The thing is there must have been at least 6 schools within a mile of Manor Top and that was were every one met up,[ The Monkey Rack.].

I my self could have ended up in any one of three Schools inc Hollinsend,and Norfolk,but somehow got put in to Prince Edwards.

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